Aug 31, 2005 21:11
ehh schoool was like blahhhhh and sleepy...i was nearly half awake and i kept yawning durning history.
PETERSON- ehhhhh kinda sleepy in this class. but peterson is hecka nice. yet hard. MAN!! we have to memorize about like 55 quotes by the end of the year!!! AHHHH!!!! NOOOO!! i hate memorizing things!! and i have short term memory.
MR HOTTLE- AHHHH!! I dont like him. well he is nice and all but HARD HARD HARD!!!! shheeesh!! i had him last year and i was crossing my fingers not to get hime this year !! AND GUESS WHUT!?!?! i GOT HIM!!! NOOO!!
KRISKOVICH- he wasnt even there on the first day of school! well the sub mr macky made us run!!! >:O jeez. hahaha wellllll did nothing besides that. just talked.
BRUNCH- dooode its hecka crowded. the sevies all like stayed at the eighth grade area!!!! it was hecka hard finding ppl.
LAVELY- we didnt do much but im glad i got her!! :D hehehehe
RODRIGUEZ- she is kinda odd but i guess nice. man alot of sevies got into french one and i didnt LAST YEAR!! >:O man! now i have to do one extra year at high school.
PHAIR- ehhhhhhhhh....she acted kinda strict in the way she talks. but i guess she is kinda nice just strict. it was kinda weird. i dont know how to explain.
JEEZ!! my dad picked me up at 1:10 when he was supposed to come at 12:40!! i stood there for soooooo long. man i decided to walk home so once i started to walk home my dad turned onto the street. soooo i was like PHEW!!! but also mad at the same time
man my dad took his/mine laptop to the cell phone store since his new cell phone can be hooked up to this laptop and like the stoopid ppl screwed it up!! they installed something that took off our quick user switching thing!! now its hecka annoying!! GRRRRR!!!!
ballet- tired/DEAD! we had to do our dance on pointe sooo many times!!! cuz my teacher was kinda video taping it. and its hecka hot too.