Aug 21, 2007 10:06
i have been doign nothing at work all week and this week too.
i can't bring myself to do work!
i just want to run free, like a wild horse...
or just go home and do something else!
damn you live journal why do you tempt me? damn all you online communities that i belong to, all 5000 of you!
i got accepted to have a stall at the hope street markets!
i spent so much credit card $$$ on supplies this weekend, i'm sorry mom.
i hate credit cards, why did i ever get one? they are bad.
i am going to canberra this weekend, somehow manshandies got 2 free rooms at the youth hostel, so now instead of being really grumpy at 3am and demanding that nic take me home, usually to shunji's house in manuka, i can just be like, see you bitches and trot upstairs to my comfy..primary coloured youth hostel bed!
nick are you coming to manshandies?
it would be nice to socialise/dance.
i watched this movie last night called What ever happened to Baby Jane, it was great/totes freaky.
by the way, people are copying my totes thing. i wanted it to take over the world, but not if someone says it and pretends they came up with it. but i know, i always know. i'm watching you...
satisfaction is the greatest movie ever, i love britta phillips in it, fact: she is the singing voice of jem and the holograms.
an interesting tid bit.