I'm so over last week.
- I barely make my flight to DC [last one on board]; I sit next to a wackette with slashes and bloody bandages up and down her arm. It's a 6AM flight, I'm not a morning person, and I'm really rude to her. I do apologize at the end of the flight even though she kept falling asleep and slumping over on me.
- A friend dies at the dance convention.
- I come home to find that I didn't get a job I had interviewed for, although they "really liked me and thought I'd fit in well with their team." [So why the fuck didn't they hire me?] They want to know whether I still want to be considered because they expect another opening "very soon."
- Another death--my laptop this time. Not much important on it besides lots of music. Until I can find out whether it's fixable or not, I've got to use the Big Mother Computer upstairs in the hot office instead of surfing comfortably in the cool bedroom or downstairs on the sofa.
- After seeing Brüno [THAT'S another story altogether], Mr B and I go to dinner. I ask him what we're doing and where we're going. He tells me that he doesn't want to accelerate the relationship "right now,' and asks [WARNING! WARNING!] "Did I break your heart?" I thought that sounded oddly self-centered. Maybe I'm just too sensitive. Anyway, he did kinda break it, but I'll never let him know it.
- I didn't win the lottery. I did, however, contribute my $2 to whoever did. A generous donation from the winner to my favorite charity, the DanceCub Foundation, would be much appreciated.
Well, I've got my health, friends, a house, good credit, a loving pussy [loving to ignore me until she wants something], a well-stocked larder, and money to last a few more months until I have to go live
under the bridge with the bats. So I'll stop my pity-party now and get on with life.