If love is the greatest thing, then why dont I have it? And if I do... How do I know? Why is everything a story in my life? Why are people Racist? Why do they not like someone or treat them different beacuse their skins different or they look different? They know their the same as any other person. Why are people so mean to other people because their different from others. Everyones different. No two bodys are the same. And no two minds think alike, and why do we want them to?!? Our life would be so boring and dull if there wasnt a difference between love and hate, friend or foe, and you and me. I dont understand why people are so mean to people because of what they wear. Why are people always putting labels on everyone? Who cares what they say, do, act like or anything, as long as their not interupting your ways of life speach and shit. then who the fuck cares?! Who cares if your Prep, Skater, Punk, Ghetto, etc.? Everybodys different. Likes different things, thinks different, walks different, talks different, looks different. Who cares anymore. If you ask me... We all need to grow up and keep our comments to ourselfs. I hate how people are so immature these days, they just need to stay out of the confersation if their going to freak out if you say something. Or if your trying to say something and they keep fucking interupting you when your talking to someone? What the hell is that? I miss the days when I got up at like... 8:00 without a problem and went out to my sand box and played with my little friends. And then I grew up... Life is so confusing but I'm trying my best to get through the confustion and on the the next steping stone. But the Question is... Why?
Yeah... I dont know why I didnt let you read that Jessie... I'm weird like that sometimes...
Yeah... havnt expressed myself like that... in a long time.
It felt good
Love you all
Exspecialy him.
I've been waiting all my life to love you
Al l that time I was dreaming of you
Your love babe
I've been waiting all my life
And did I lose faith, did I lose heart
Maybe I did, but I never lost my way
To where you are
That took forever ^ to do... but I had fun.
Love you all,