(no subject)

Apr 21, 2005 18:32

We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield
We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long
All of us knowing, love is a battlefield
Theres pictures in previous entrys... for those who havent saw them lol.

01. what is your name: Emma
02. d.o.b. : 9*28*91
003. male or female: female
004. whats your sign: Libra
005. Nicknames: EmmaLee, Emmers, Emmmuah, Emmy
006. Occupation: student
007. height: 5'4
009. hair color: Dark brown (but i got highlights
010. eye color: brown
011. where did u last live: Michigan
012. where do u live now: white lake,mi
013. braces: yes
014. pets: cat,hamster, almost dead fish
015. piercings: yes, 1st holes and cartlidge
016. tatto's: no
018. righty or lefty: righty
019. contacts/glasses: both


020. wearing: jeans, and a sweatshirt
021. eating: nothing
022. drinking: nothing
023. thinking about: None of your buisness
024. wondering why: Everything is the way it is
025. wondering if: I'm going to WCA saturday
026. feeling(mood): upset
027. hearing: the TV and the shower on
028. doing: typing
029. crush: Matt
030. <3: alot of people

...Friends stuff...
which one of your CLOSE friends is the...
031. craziest: Jessie
032. loudest: Jessie, and Shia when shes hyper
033. nicest: Sam stanisz
034. bitchiest: i dont know
035. Life of the party: Shia
036. prep: Chelsea
037. skater: psht... i forgot
038. ghetto: Bridgett
039. rebel: Jessie
040. coolest: All of my friends are cool... duh
041. one best friend of the same sex: Shia... duh
042. rudest: alot can be rude.
043. most shy: Kristi
044. dumbest/naive(est): psht.
045. smartest: i dono
046. weirdest: i dono
047. has the best hair: Murranda
048. best personality: Matt
049. most talented: Drew
050. annoying: Sandi... when shes online... NO EFFENCE SANDY I LOVE YA
051. drama queen: i dono
052. most likely to be part of a gang: dont no
053. best advice giver: Drew... and matt
054. funniest: Shia
055. druggie: No one gives a fuck ok
056. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently: Yes, ppl from camp
057. person you've been friends with the longest: Ashleigh? i guess
058. how many people do u have on your buddy list: 200... i need more space

...Love and relations...
059. have you ever been in love: dont no
060. how many people have you said "i love you" to and meant it: 1
061. how many people have you kissed: couple
062. have u ever gone farther than kissing with someone of the same sex: r u serious? Gross no
063. what do you look for in a guy/girl :  Guy:....someone that cares about me, gives advice when needed, nice, funny, loveable, perfect in my eyes
064. whats the first thing u notice about the opposite sex: face
065. what type of girl/guy do u usually go for: Nice, funny
066. do you have a crush/relationship right now: yea
067. if so who is it: Matt
068. do u believe in love at first sight: kind of
069. do you remember your first boyfriend/girlfriend:
070. who was the first person you kissed: when i was 3- TJ
071. do you believe in fate: yes
072. do you believe in soul mates: yes
073. if so, do u believe youll ever find yours: sometimes, sometimes not

...Family stuff...

074. do you have a drunk uncle: yes
075. does someone in your family wear a toupee or wig: how the fuck would i know?
076. does your family embarass you: yes
077. did some of your family come to america from another country: i dono to many family memembers
078. do you have step parents: no
079. do you have any neices or nephews: yes
080. what are your parents named: Karen and Shawn
081. have many siblings do you have: 1 brother - 1 sister
082. does all your family live in the same state: pretty much
083. if not, where do they live: australia
084. are your parents divorced: no
085. what are your siblings named: Bob and Jessica
086. how many siblings does your mom have: 8
087. how many sibiling does your dad have: 0

...music stuff...
088. what song do you swear waS written about you or your life: Welcome to my life- simple plan
089. whats the most embarassing cd you own: Spice girls lol
090. what song do you absolutely hate: Lots
091: do you sing in the shower: heck yes
092: what songs remember you of that special someone: typo in there... dont understand


093. color : pink
094. movie : um....forgot
095. food : pineapple
096. drink : sherly temple
097. show : House, American idol
098. pair of shoes: Entnies
099. outfit: Dance shirt, light jeans
100. radio station: 89x , 95.5
101. school subject: Band
102. song: Breaking benjamin- so cold, the used- all that ive got, unwritten law- save me, hawthrone heights- ohio is for lovers, breaking benjamin- sooner or later, crossfade- cold
103. celebrity: Jessie mccartney... hottie
104. holiday: summer vacation
105. day of the week: friday, saturday
106. season: fall
107. perfume: passionate kisses (victoria secret)
108. clothing store: whatever has what i like
109. sports to watch: none
110. thing to do on weekened: WCA, make money babysitting, tanning, movies

...your bedroom/sleeping habits...

111. what color are your sheets: pink, blue, purple, green striped
112. what color are your bedroom walls: purple
113. do you have posters on your wall: yes
114. if so what? "welcome back emma" from this summer when i got back from camp
115. do you have a tv in your bedroom: not aloud
116. what size bed do you have: full
117. comforter color: purple blue purple green boxes inside of boxes
118. do you share a bedroom with a sibiling: no
119. do you snore: no
120. do you talk in your sleep: i have before
121. do you sleep walk: have once
122. whats under your bed: Ice skates
123. do you have an alarm clock that wakes you up: yea
124. do you have a window: ya
125. do you sleep with stuffed animals: not normaly... when i am upset or cry myself to sleep, yes

....this or that...

126. coke/pepsi: none
127. day/night : night
128. weekday/weekened: weekened
129. silver/gold: silver
130. rap/rock : both
131. road rules/real world: dont care
132. sky dive/ hang glide: NEITHER
133. punk/emo: idc
134. mcdonalds/taco belle: tacobell
135. spring/fall: fall
136. aim/phone: aim
137. colored pics/black and white: both
138. sugar/spice: and everything nice
139. austin powers/james bond: austin powers
140. back rub/foot massage: back rub i sopose
141. picture frames/photo albums: picture frames
142. pens/penicils: pens

..What do you think of when you hear these common names..

143. jack: voteburg
144. tiffany: waller
145. ben: nielson
146. maria: Westside story
147. Jennifer: bresler
148. nicole: richie
149. amy: nothing
150. adam: watson
151. richard: the kid with the uni-brow
152. justin: blankenship
153. arnold: Hey arnold the TV show
154. brent: no one
155. natalie: "im goin crazy i need to be your lady ive been thinking latley"
156. jordan: leniger (spelling
157. erika: chant

...have you ever...

158. mooned someone: fuck no
159. been on a diet: no i dont think so (explains alot)
160. broke a bone: nope
161. got in a fight: yeah
162. dated a teacher: hell no
163. laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants: yea
164. gone skinny dipping: maybe, maybe no
165. thought about killing someone: yeah... Tito... hate that kid
166. told a white lie: yea
167. been on tv: yea
168. been on the radio: no
169. been in a mosh pit: no
170. gone crowd surfing: no
171. been to a concert: Yea
172. been to a rodeo: no
173. been on a talk show: no
174. seen the ocean: yea
175. been on a game show: no
176. been on an airplane: yea
177. got to ride a fire truck: yea
178. came close to dying: no
179. gave someone a piggy back ride: yea
180. right before goin to bed it feels like you fell: yes.... actually thats when i wake up
181. had an eating disorder: no
182. became addicted to drugs: no
183. been arrested: no
184. written a love letter: of course
185. won a bet: ya
186. gone to camp: 6th grade, band... yes SHUT UP
187. kissed in the rain: no
188. ran away: yes
189. done jail time: no
190. slow danced: yea
191. stolen a kiss: i dono
192. participated in cyber sex: lol fuck no
192. gotten a speeding ticket: not me.
193. watched the sunset over the ocean: yes
194. failed a grade: no
195. thrown up in public: no
196. got perfect attendance in school: i think
197. taken ballet lessons: yes
198. gotten real sick of filling this out: Yes... VERY

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