Feb 05, 2007 01:10
Life's been crazy-busy lately with the Vagina Monologues, but now it's all over. Right now I'm exhausted and glad that it's done, but I know in a matter of days I'll be missing it. Unfortunately, that's how theatre works - it's simultaneously the reason you wake up in the mornings and the bane of your existence.
School really isn't great. As per usual, I'm not enjoying any of my new classes this semester and it makes it so difficult to get motivated. I have a paper that was due in November that I've only written the introduction to; I have tests on Wednesday and Saturday for classes that I haven't even started the readings for; I have an assignment due tomorrow that I still don't fully understand and so, haven't done. It's bad. Really bad. And, on the one hand, I care and feel guilty, but on the other, I could care less. School seems to be losing its meaning more and more every year that I'm in it. I try to care, honestly, I do. It's just that school doesn't seem to care about being interesting anymore.
Being vegan is going quite splendidly for those interested. I even ate at Montforts last night and tried the spicy jesus... and I'm into it. I wasn't even THAT sad about missing out on the creamy jesus (please note how big of a deal this is: I've been eating at Montforts [continuously, clearly] for about six years and never touched the spicy jesus; during those years I have probably consisted of more garlic sauce than water).
In the end, however, February is a bad month - too many 'things' in February. February should hurry the hell up and leave.