
Aug 23, 2003 08:24

It's been an eventful fortnight .... on the 12th of this month my aunty vicky had her baby 7 weeks early.
He's had some breathing problems but he's doing good. he's so tiny!!!!!
In March i'm christening the little guy. His name's Gaven (Gabrial in Greek)
He's still hooked up to all these machines so i haven't had the chance to pick him up. He opened his eyes the last time i was there, the first time i had saw him he couldn't open his eyes yet.
His mum reckons he's already got my attitude and lazieness... the other day there was some beeping in the background while he was sleep, he woke up, opened his eyes, and just made a pathetic crying sound - as if saying 'shut the hellup i'm sleeping' kinda - then just went back to sleep.
Mwhahahahahaha, i get to mold him in to a little me. mwhahahahahahaha ... is the world ready?!
In other news, i changed my belly ring about 20 mins ago, i'm wearing this cool spikey kinda one nikki gave me for my birthday.
it's been 7 weeks ... thing is, i can't remember now if i had to wait 7 - 12 weeks or 8 - 12 weeks.
Ohh well, there was no blood, so all is ok.

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