HELLO I JUST DYED MY HAIR DARK BROWN AKA BLACK. I am sad cause I really loved my highlights. Anywayyyy okay this post is like supertrimega picture post of the entire week!!!!! :) :)
On thursday aka Valentine's Day Eve eve hahahahaha okay that was retarded lol anyway headed out with the netballers to go try jersey at Wisma!!! The bus-ride was damn joke hahahaha laughed like mad and now I believe Steph really looks like Amanda Wong omgzzzz hahahaha! Anyway, we got scolded by this crazy old man who sweared at us in hokkien for laughing too loud hahahaha what the shit. So I was supposed to meet like, 1/5 of the OG (namely Zhen Yi, Russell and Jim) in town for present shopping for the OGLs + everyone else. We ate like mad at Sakae Sushi's buffet at wheelock hahahahaha just kept ordering and the food just kept coming!!! Our stomachs almost exploded. And I love AC's uniform hahaha can hide our big big stomachs lol hahahaha!
Yay I love you Zhenyiiii :)
Some random training/train ride picture hahahahah
But since v day was on a saturday, everyone celebrated it on friday instead!!! Balloons flowers cupcakes brownies everywhereeee... I ate like 6 brownies when I already had 2 ulcers, and now I'm stuck with 2 GIGANTIC ULCERS EWWWW GROSS. AND PAINFUL. And I got sore throat too!!!! Geeez. But everything was fun fun fun. Free hugs and all :) Okay so had loads of time before training, so we camwhored??? HAHAHAHA
This was supposed to be a family portrait HAHAHAHAHAHA
After training celebrated Bev's birthdayyyyyy!!!!!
We missed MUTS (movie under the stars) BUT we reached in time for the last 2 minutes + credits of The Notebook!!! HAHAHA.
After everything I was so tired I just went home to sleeeep shweep sleepzzzz
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY <3<3<3!!!!!! or Single Awareness Day (SAD) whichever you prefer hahahahha LOL
It was Singles' Dinner with the AC netballers... so met up with Tat and Mel first at Starbucks where I grabbed a Caramel Frappe and then headed for (window) shopping!!! Met quite a few people along the way, all of them SACians hahahaha anyway Tat was a joke, she held up this sequin beret at Topshop, and asked us "Is this a swimming cap?" Mel and I totally flipped HAHAHAHA
Okay and when walking on sunshine played, Tat and I started dancing to our mass couple dance song hahahahaha LOL
Had Billy Bombers!!!! And gosh the portion was larger than ever even though it became smaller due to recession... if you get what I mean hahaha! Talked and everything, and after that, we bought Qing Yun a new top!!!!! :)
Okay so we ended up buying japanese icecream... and the salesgirl totally HATED me.
Me: Hi do you accept nets?
Stupid icecream girl (with mask on): Foh ifjajflaknkvnlaihfiuq
Me (being super polite and all): Sorry?
Stupid icecream girl (takes half mask off): FOR CASH ONLY.
Me: Oh... okay okay can I have one rum&rasin with cone please?
Stupid icecream girl (with mask on): ighowiganglajgowjoqp
Me: SORRY??????
Stupid icecream girl pauses for a moment, rolls her eyes a million times (iddiottttttt), takes her mask off and says: The flavours here *points around* too soft cannot put on cone.
Me: *thinks of punching her face but puts on a nice smile* Ohhh okay get me the banana chocolate then! Thank youuuu.
OMGZZZZZ STUPID WOMAN GRRRRR HAHAHA okay sorry just had to post the conversation here. I WANTED TO SMACK HER FACE. I bet she's so angsty cause she didn't have a date on Valentine's day so she had no choice but to work her butt off instead so as to not think about being dateless hahahahhahaha