(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 08:47

Friday was good, after school I got my hair done. It's still not my natural color but it's closer, and I also got a trim but you can't really tell. After that I went to Gilmanton to pick up Chad and Tyler, drove them around for a bit then brought them back. It was pointless but thats alright. After that Jess and I hung out here and eventually Jenn came over. About an hour later Meghan and Mel came and then we all left. We went to Keith's for a bit and that was kind of gay so we went to Mike's. A bunch of people that graduated last year came. Came home and hung out with my sisters' for about an hour then I talked to Jeff for like 20 minutes and then passed out around 1.
I have to work at 10:15 today.. I really hate work when it's so nice outside. My shift is 7 fucking hours and it's in the right in the middle of the day. Elksjhdfksd I hate myself.
Jeffs coming over after work and I think us and the girls are going to Tilton for some kind of party? Should be fun as long as Im spending it with great people!:)

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