(no subject)

Nov 25, 2004 21:52

LaYeR oNe
.· Name: Jackieeee
.· Birthdate: Jan.3 1990
.· Birthplace: huntington
.· Current Location: Commack
.· Eye Color: brown
.· Hair Color: brown...w/highlights
.· Height: 5 4 or something,,,
.· Righty or Lefty: Righty
.· Zodiac Sign: capricorn!!!

LaYeR tWo
.· The shoes you wore today: steve madden...
.· Your weakness: perfection...i have 2 b perfect
.· Your fears: failing..
.· Your perfect pizza: plain...only cheese and sause...i'm picky..

LaYeR tHrEe
.· Your most overused phrase on AIM: crazyness..
.· Your thoughts first waking up: Happy Thanksgiving...hehehe
.· Your best physical feature: hmmmm...what do u think*winkwink*
.· Your bedtime: 10-11
.· Your most missed memory: i miss a lot of stuff
LaYeR fOuR
.· Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi...i guess
.· McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
.· Single or group dates: not sure..
.· Adidas or Nike: both..y not?
.· Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither..
.· Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla hehehehe
.· Cappuccino or coffee: either...not a big fan..

LaYeR fIvE
.· Curse: whenever i need 2
.· Sing: my whole life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and beyond
.· Take a shower everyday: def.
.· Have a crush(es): hehehehehe...
.· Do you think you've been in love: noppee
.· Like high school: yea i<3 it
.· Want to get married: Yes!!!!!
.· Believe in yourself: i try
.· Get motion sickness: sometimes
.· Think you're attractive: sure..
.· Think you're a health freak: not rellie
.· Get along with your parents : most of the time
.· Like thunderstorms: nooo i hate rain
.· Play an instrument: noo

LaYeR sIx: In the past month...
.· Drank alcohol: nopppe
.· Smoked: never
.· Done and illegal drug: nooo never ever
.· Had Sex: of course...not
.· Made Out: how many ?s .............
.· Gone on a date: ...........
.· Gone to the mall?:I<3 2 shop
.· Eaten an entire box of Oreos: sorry not that fat
.· Eaten sushi: ewwww
.· Been dumped: nopee
.· Gone skating: suree
.· Made homemade cookies: thats sooo cool
.· Gone skinny dipping: nooooo
.· Dyed your hair: highlites
.· Stolen anything: hehehehehe dakota....

LaYeR sEvEn: Ever..
.· Played a game that required removal of clothing: noperzzz
.· Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nnnoooo
.· Been caught "doing something": huh?
.· Been called a tease: not sure
.· Gotten beaten up: no
.· Shoplifted: hehe
.· Changed who you were to fit in: maybe

LaYeR eIgHt
.· Age you hope to be married: 26
.· Numbers and Names of Children: not sure yet..
.· Describe your dream wedding: oooooo it would b heaven
.· How do you want to die: something not painful
.· Where you want to go to college:somplace w/music
.· What do you want to be when you grow up:duh.....
.· What country would you most like to visit:ITALY!!!!!!!!

LaYeR nInE: In a guy/girl..
.· Best eye color? brown
.· Best hair color? Brown
.· Short or long hair: short
.· Height: don't know
.· Best weight: normal..
.· Best articles of clothing: everything
.· Best first date location: ?
.· Best first kiss location: same as above

LaYeR tEn
.· Number of drugs taken illegally: none
.· Number of people I could trust with my life: family and candies...
.· Number of CDs that I own: who cares? i dont count
.· Number of piercings: used 2 have my ears..
.· Number of tattoos: none..
.· Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: no idea...wat kind of life do u think i have?
.· Number of scars on my body:1
.· Number of things in my past that I regret: hmmmmmm....let me think...

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