Long time no type....

Apr 17, 2006 21:47

....life kinda happened, oh and myspace invaded. dammit.
So one evening i was about to go off the computer and this sentance came into my head, so i wrote it down, and kept writing. here it is:

Heaven and hell almost collided today. They came close, too close. Purity was almost invaded by cowardice and innocence threatened to infect all it saw. We were forced to reflect, but not everybody could find a mirror, and those that did were faced with themselves in all their beauty, stripped of dignity.
But the lists soon formed and ‘sorry’s came spewing from everyone’s mouths. The top of my list was my sweetest downfall. The Regret. So I wept, and it was washed away. I was reminded of a day when I was ahead of my time. When I said what needed to be said before I had to. Making sure The Regret didn’t become a plural.
They began to decide, as we were all gathered like cattle. But I took fright and hid even though he said I would be an angel for sure. How could he be so certain, with horns already forming at his temples? Bastard. I hoped he’d burn. Almost as if he had heard me, hurt began to drip off his face. Amazing grace? Waste of space.
Just after that I almost drowned in thought, so many ‘what if’ s plaguing my mind. But he came and pulled me out before my lungs were full and I could not breathe. A different he this time, a better one. He sat me down on the damp grass and hung a locket around my neck. He told me my idea of perfection was inside and I believed him. Then he waved at a passing devil and realised it wasn’t love. Obsession? I asked. He nodded. Twice.
For goodness sake she doesn’t love you! The scream rose from the crowd and everyone stood to attention to find out whom it belonged to. A small, red-faced girl, whose name we have learned is Piper, stood at the centre of attention. It seemed her outburst -necessary though a little overdue- made space for her to continue grieving. Her shoulders began to shake uncontrollably and her eyes welled up. Isaac appeared and picked up his sister, just like he would one of his surfboards. She’ll be okay now He said, his thick Scottish accent running over us like honey. Sweet, sweet Isaac; I didn’t know him very well.
He, the better he, turned and spoke to me and waited for my answer. Yes, I have loved you as long as I have known you. Then why didn’t you tell him that? He replied. He quickly reached up and stopped tears from running down my face. He told me it was his time to go and I told him he had stayed longer than I thought he would. He stood up and immediately grew ten years. Now an officer, he went and found his brother. They addressed the crowd; Sweet children, take your knives and float them in the river. You will not need them any longer. Join hands and we will fight this thing together. Today.
The Senior Officer took out his pistol and shot up at sky. That will be the last time you hear that sound He reported. The angels applauded and the devils coward and those undecided, those like me, simply pondered the idea.
I moved from the spot where he had left me and sat down at the edge of the water. The last of the winds blew through me, but the locket around my neck reminded me that I was not alone.

If you happen to be stumbling across my lj, please read, and even comment. :)
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