Mega magic Willow picspam!

May 11, 2011 22:53

HOLY CRAP IT'S FINISHED. xD At first it was supposed to have 50 caps, then I started finding more and more so I thought why not 75... and in the end I thought why not 100... so, 100 it is. :D I'm so not making anything this huge again. :P

Made for whedonland big bang ( Read more... )

btvs, whedonland

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Comments 11

spiletta42 May 11 2011, 21:09:26 UTC
Holy picspam, Batman! That's a whole lot of awesome magic! *applauds*

(And I don't have the right icon because I haven't renewed my paid account yet. Oops.)


dance_the_dance May 11 2011, 21:22:40 UTC
IKR, LOL, this took hours! But I'm kinda proud, so it was worth it. :D Thank you bb! ♥

Hee, but at least it's Willow/Kennedy (no one seems to like them, and I do.) :D And I just deleted my only Willow icon a few weeks ago. *sigh* :P


spiletta42 May 11 2011, 22:33:01 UTC
I really adore Kennedy. I've written fic and everything. Okay, I'd better pay my LJ bill, my lack of a grinning Kennedy icon is making me all sadface.


booshmanic May 11 2011, 21:12:50 UTC
This is STUNNING! Amazing cap choices! Great work!! :D


dance_the_dance May 11 2011, 21:23:13 UTC
Aww, thank you so much bb! ♥


consumedly May 31 2011, 12:29:08 UTC
You aren't going to make something this huge again, damn!!
Your coloring is simply wonderful and the caps you choose... magnificent!


dance_the_dance May 31 2011, 17:25:42 UTC
Well, I might. xD But right after I finished this it didn't sound like a good idea to spend so much time on a picspam again. ;D
Thank you soooo much! ♥
(Love your icon. :D)


anna_sg1 May 31 2011, 22:09:06 UTC
Amazing work. LOVE the colorings.

Willow sure changed. Grew then regressed and then came back soaring! :D

Plus I really love how badass she was in Angel. ♥


dance_the_dance May 31 2011, 22:40:08 UTC
Thank you! ♥

I was so happy to see Willow on Angel, and then she pwned everyone as a perfect bonus. :D


hermionesparkle June 12 2011, 06:50:47 UTC
Excuse my extremely late comment. I love your entire big bang but this is my favorite part of it which is why I chose to comment on this entry. It is so pretty and you did a great job picking the caps and putting them together. Great job!


dance_the_dance June 14 2011, 11:52:27 UTC
Thank you!! :) ♥


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