Title: Targeted
Pairing/Characters: Don, Ian
Rating/Category: PG
Word Count: 204
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, nope.
Summary: Don investigates Ian…
For Wolverine_gal who wanted Ian to get in trouble and Charlie to rescue him…
Note: Conference Wives
The rifle was in plain sight in the bed of the truck.
Don had made certain that the current warrant was only for Ian’s truck and apartment.
He didn’t want anyone disrupting Charlie’s house and Ian still listed his apartment as his primary residence.
The truck was searched, the address of the mental health center was scrawled on a piece of paper in the cab, paper-clipped to a map of the grounds.
The rifle was bagged and transported back to the lab.
Don had a sinking feeling that it would provide a ballistics match.
He wandered onto CalSci campus and into the hub of activity on the quad.
Ian was there talking with students, an ominous looking bag at his feet.
Don felt his blood run cold.
He quickly calculated a potential list of targets, students who missed classes?
Students who were cheating on Charlie’s homework or exams?
Students who were failing?
Other professors or members of the administration?
Or was Ian just here establishing an alibi?
Every student here would be able to swear that Ian was here this morning, but how many would be able to say when he arrived? Would it matter, really?
Don watched Ian carefully and waited.