Aug 11, 2005 01:24
what is better? wait-- wrong question.
what should i do?
while every past experience has shown me that guys are scum and crap, and nothing is ever going to lead to anything but heartbreak, should i break off something seeming to go well because i'm nervous?
i'm soooo nervous. like... really nervous.
can't find a damned thing i don't like about him. i guess that's partly what scares me.
tonight after the movies.. it just felt incredibly rushed... and that makes me nervous.. real, real nervous. and i don't know. maybe his reason for needing to be home so quick was legit... but every past experience i've ever had leaves me to feel like it's crap.. and every word that came out of his mouth.. (which i believed) was bull shit. i hope it's not.. this one is so great. it feels too great. like, i'm only going to fuck up, like always, and he's going to break my heart.
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is something i won't go through again... i can't.
last year... that just... had H-E-A-R-T-B-R-E-A-K written all over it. i can't handle it again.
should i just throw a 3 date cap on it and break it off... 'cause i'm scared?