Ballet Photoshoot [Preview Only]

May 26, 2008 01:28

Went for a ballet photoshoot on Saturday with Musa, Sim Yee and Dorcas at Punggol Beach yesterday afternoon. It was a rather fun experience. The photos turned out to be better than I expected. These aren't the official shots. These were mostly candid shots taken using Dorcas' camera. I'll post the professional ones once I get them. *Excited*

My first sunset.

Now I know why you love to go to Punggol Beach, and why you love the sunset...

Didn't go for training today. My eyes were quite swollen when I woke up. Went to a doctor, was given oral medication and 2 days medical leave. Hope it'll be better by Tuesday. It's Graduation Ceremony, and I wanna take lotsa pictures with my ECH darlings.


Attended NUS CACTUS'08 at NUS UCC on Sunday night. The "highlight" of the show was the usher denying Zee to go up onstage, when the emcee called for her during curtain call. He was so firm in his stand about no one being allowed up the stage. He was boo-ed by the audience. In the end, she disregarded him and went onstage anyways. I enjoyed the show though. The accapella group was quite good.

ballet, sunset, photoshoot, cactus

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