i think i may actually be slipping into a coma based on how tired i am right now.

May 16, 2005 15:17

i have to sit on babies approximately.... now so i'm gonna do that and when i come back i'll tell you about my hen mang [very busy, for all you non-chinese scholars] weekend.

alrighty anywhoo friday night i hung out with some fine gentlemen at ben levy's house and we were later joined by some sketchy kids and also emma o and her friend lala. it was marvelous. then saturday i babysat for 6 hours. HELLL. after which i met up with hadass and company at the park where emma kohse performed her modern dance in her leotard and tights, in the middle of the field. in the evening i went to yulius kyzars house with hadarse the birthday girl, alisa, anna, teresa and robbie. we tried on julias clothes and ate cake she made with our hands and raved.

sunday was my dance recitals. woop.
today i babysat. after paying back my dad and the lady who i babysat for, i made a total of $5.
i have a lab write up due tomorrow
BUT NO WORRIES because school starts at 11:25!
except worries because i have a huge packet of history work due next monday.
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