Long time no talk...and Halloween

Nov 01, 2006 17:20

 Soo I actually havent written in here in forever...so ill have to make the updates right here and now....
Its going pretty well.  I feel like ive had so much stuff to do lately.  Theres been a test in like practically everything and anything that DIDNT have a test had an assignment...or two...or three(ed today:P).  Oh and of course theres those courses that have tests and assignments...either way theres been a lot.  I had a sort of break now which is really good because i feel like i kinda need it from all the work lately.  Even so, I am doing well enough (i think...) so thats good and i am enjoying it.  I really am looking forward to taking MORE education courses next year and doing my practicum...im so glad i get to do that right away cuz doing general stuff is a little bit annoying. 
Its hard not to see people all the time at school  because you start to slightly lose touch.  I really want to do something with people soon.  Its not like i havent been seeing people at all, but not TOO much.  Hopefully we can do some stuff in december when we all have time off.
Life in General-
Its been pretty good lately too.  Busy with school work, but good.  Most of the time lately Ive been doing work or taking time to relax when i get a chance NOT to do work and then a little bit of the time, going out.  Its kind of a problem for me since (I know ive never goooone) but im not a big bar person so when everyones always at the bar, i have nothing to do.  I know im a loser, but what I like to do is hang out at someones house or go out for dinner or watch a movie or just hang out and talk or ...those type of things.  Im not a big partier, huge groups, drinking person, so this whole everybodys turning 18 so lets go to the bar constantly thing is just tottaly not for me.  I WILL go once soon enough (brynnes bday?) just so i can be non biased when i say that i dont like the bar and because i know i will have fun if its with the right people at the right time.  Anyway, so that was my mini-rant...Other than that I hope to go to the Y more and to go to Yoga like i wanted too (if i can get a free Thursday or Monday!) so hopefully that will actually happen soon.
So yesterday was Halloween.  As Jen said in her lj entry, there were practically no kids!! and like ya when i say that i DO mean a small amount of trick-or-treaters in general, but i also mean there werel ike no LITTLE kids!  or KIDS at all, really!  practically everyone that came to my house was over 12.  It was kind of ridiculous!  And some of them were actually like 16 (actually, i KNOW some of them were 16)...which is fine, but whats the deal with having no little kids.  It sucks when youre handing out candy to only people youre own age all night.  There was only like 5 kids that i could say were cute yesterday because the with the rest, it would be actually creepy if i called them cute because they were like 14 year old boys.  Annnnyway, so we had so much candy left over...
Soo thats about all i have to say! OH!  I got some sweet earings at school today ... theyre colorful and shells ...i got purple, blue and pink! I love them! gotta love u of w for having things for sale ALL the time everywhere.  Anyway maybe ill put up some pictures after this..
O PS this is sooo gooood....i just cant get over it. if youve never seen it before, watch it now.

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