Dec 26, 2006 02:36
Well, what a night it's been so far. My first shift back at work since...October I believe. I get here to find out they have changed the grid that tells how many staff we are allowed to have. Now they have lowered the number so there is only 4 of us here for 45 patients. I have 11 and some people have up to 13 patients not including any new ones we get through the night. So that really sucks and I'm ticked off about that. They did it so there can be more nurses on...but that really makes care worse when we can't take as good of care of the patients because we have too many to care for. Anyway, it sucks but I guess I know what to expect now. They also changed our straws so we have to hand open each one which also sucks. Stupid new manager messing with things. Grrrr.
My patient load is quite interesting. I come on to find of my 11 patients...1 is a moaner, 1 is puking, 1 doesn't speak english, 1 is dying. Quite a start I must say. Then to top it off my lungs and chest hurt so badly from all this coughing it's becoming unbearable. I have never felt pain this bad. Stupid Pneumonia!!
So right now Jeanette, the only one keeping me sane, is on break and I'm sitting up here at the desk. The one exciting thing I found out is the hospital now has wi-fi so I can bring in my laptop and not be restricted like I am on the computers here. Or I can watch movies. Yay exciting! So that's my good news. Well, I was just told I have a new patient making my count up to 12. I better go get vitals on him and a weight before I get in trouble. Adios for now. I may write more later if I'm bored. But I leave tomorrow to go up north for a few days with Joey. Should be nice and relaxing! Later all.