Dec 30, 2005 17:35
Okay so I really really love caramel apple cider from Starbucks when it's cold outside and raining as if hell had come upon us! The only fact that I don't like is that my pants are wet...on the bottom you sickos. And the most embarassing part is that my pants are petite as in short...gawd how I get reminded I'm short when it's wet outside.
So yes that's what I wanted to tell you. Aren't you excited? So I'm kinda bored, but now I have a knitting project to keep my attention. I feel like such a lazy person...does anyone else feel that way? I mean I have no homework, so I don't have to do anything if I don't want to.
Oh and by the way is it bad that I don't know who deleted me as their myspace friend? I really don't therefore I don't care. It's a little embarrassing, that I don't know. Oh well, c'ests la vie!