i feel asleep on top of the anoun.tower b4 fball and woke with a jerk cuz i thought i was falling..

Aug 05, 2005 19:30

i hate school and my classes and the lameass people i have in them. i want to go to the movies tonight like brett told me to but my mom wont let me because i didnt get any sleep last night (36 hours without sleep!) and we have company here thats leaving tomorrow morning. i dont like mrs herting, shes like a cheerleader with a teaching degree, jones is annoying and his classroom is colder than giests used to be, no one cool is in my bio class and i dont have anyone to sit with at lunch. i wanted to like freakin cry :( it was horrible. im totally screwed for calc this year cuz hanson didnt teach us a fucking thing we need to know for shriner. makes me mad at how horrible of a teacher he is. i filmed football pratice today for them and afterwards i saw focker and was like uhhh hi and hes like 'hey omg busey whats up' in his retarded "im trying to have a deep voice like mr herting". i got my schedule switched around a little bit so now i have spanish second per. instead of 8 (which i had with alex torres :\.) it was so cute he came in and sat next to me and we even matched lol. i know im like blah fucking alex torres cuz he won instead of me but im so over it. its just funny to joke about and hes actually a really cool guy, which i have discovered after talking with him numerous times. ap english is going to be so hard. gosh. whats with us having to put "i agree to the bishop verot honor code" along with our signature on every document we turn in. 5 minute drug test? thats great lmao after football i went to get my pay check and talked to jeffery and dawn dawn for like 40 minutes in the back room. omg i freakin love that kid so much (jeff, not dawn, shes the owner even tho shes cool too)!! <3 im gonna miss him :( oh yeah im a wank that snorts crack. incase youre curious. idk if i should put this on here or not but i am anyway. so tatos been acting like a total bitch for about the past 2 weeks and i was sooo mad at him. then this morning we came like face to face inthe hallway and hes like 'omg buse heyyy' with the expression that we hadnt seen each other in like 7 years on his face. and i have a couple of classes with him and hes all nice now. i dont understand. i mean i love the kid to death but sometimes im just not feelin any. makes me sad. that and he lied to tommy and i but thats a whole different thing. i just want to understand and not be taken for granted (which is the way i feel with most of my friends so thats nothing new, just gets kinda lonely not being able to depend on any of them) since when do we have so many bitches in our class? i like seriously hate them all. get the fucking sticks out of your asses. so on that lovely note im going to go fix some dinner for myself, shower, watch tv, fall asleep, and not wake up until 10:30 tomorrow morning cuz i gotta work from 11-5. oh yeah, it was sooo good seeing emily compton today! i cant wait till fball games. jarrett comes home soon! i suppose some things are worth looking forward too. :)
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