The Guide To Success as an Indian Teen

Jul 28, 2004 00:43

From a friend--- Comment Left by him in response to my last LJ entry:

I see some of me in you, and more than the simple fact that we are brown. Moving on from that crappy joke, here is some advice that I have gleaned in these last three years since home became my own personal slice of hell:

- everytime you go out, make it enjoyable, treat it as if it were the last time you could go out

- go out in big groups, the more people you see, the funner it is

- learn how to "perma-smile"

- stay after school a lot

- make the uh...gatekeepers...feel bad (my personal favorite is the "don't you want me to have friends" although since you are an indian girl yours might be "but if I don't go out how will I be able to meet a nice indian guy. They all socialize with these white girls so I need to compete" it to fit your parents lol)

- find people with whom you can vent...I've had teachers (for non hell related things) friends and sibling. Use whichever you want.

There's more stuff but I don't want to write too much because, well I'm lazy :P


Its nice to find that there are some people that actually take the time to read my entries. Thanks Amit. Maybe this guide will work, I dont know, but just the thought of you taking the time to write something to me makes me feel better.

Well, Im still at the Bryants, things are winding down a bit and I am beginning to miss what I call home. Whether it still be hell theres something about it that makes me want to go back a little bit more. Today I went with Sam to the mall as well as to Outback Steakhouse. It was a fun time.

But most of all, being here I have been able to think again with eing pressured or emotionally exausted. Yet suprisingly, I still feel alone. More alone than ever. And I dont know why. I dont have a person that I can rely on or appreicate as much as I am relied on. ANd I hate having to bear these feelings on my shoulders.

Tomorrow I am coming home. Hopefully things will have softend up a bit a people would have forgotten things that may have happened. I mean I should atleast be getting some sympathy from the rents after the painful injury of doing a front flip on the trampoline wrong. :(

I guess I'll catch you all later.
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