(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 18:01

have not been on here in forever!!

umm summers been good.

Last weekend Jer and I went to MIchigan.
us kids got my parents a week at a condo up in South Haven for their anniversary.  So we all had to go up for the weekend. Brentons sisters and him were going camping up at Warren Dunnes in Michigan that same weekend. The Dunes are 45 min away from where we were going and not out of the way at all. And since they were going to be there friday and my parents werent leaving till Saturday Jeremy and ithought it would be fun to leave friday and go camping for the night. We got into bad traffic beucase of construction.  we inched along for about an hour. it was boring. then we got up there and luckly we brought our tent becuase there was no way we would be able to sneek in. so we got a campsite right across the road from Brenton's.  Holly put up our tent. haha. We ate, played cards, the girls all went to sleep minus Bethany and we kept getting yelled at by everyone else becuase we were too loud so we went to our tent.  talked a while and then jer fell asleep and Beth woke him up becuase her ass smelled so bad when she farted. haha!! it was soo funny! then it rained. good thing we brought the rain cover.  in the mornign we got up..went to mc donalds and then went to the dunes and the lake.  I was to scared to jump or roll off the dune. then we went to the water. IT WAS FREEZING!! yeah BRR!!!!! ran in and ran back out.. my legs were PURPLE! then we went back to the dunes and played. Then we went back to the campsite. took showers..i walked back to our tent in my towl. :) got bit my lots of bugs. then a few hours later my mom called and said that they were about a half hour away from South Haven so we left. 
  next stop..the condo. it was really cute.  it was a cold weekend.  when we got there we all went to the Beach.  Jadah, Jaycee and Aidan loved it. but again the water was freezing!! they only put their feet in..well Jadah got soaked up to her shirt. Then we went back to the condo..Jadah didnt want to leave the beach so she cried the whole time back. the only prob with the condo was I had NO space to myself and I am soo used to having my own space.  We left MOnday afternoon. Jermey didnt pee before we left so about a half hour into the trip he had to go soooooooooooooooo bad. he didnt want to stop becuase Meggan was following us...so then we got past chicago and then he couldnt hold it anymore. WE had and a couple candy boxes he could have gone in but we were passing cars and he was driving. and I had a water bottle but i coudnt stop laughing and that ment i couldnt hold the bottle still.  then he leaked a little on me. EWWWWWW. then we pulled over and there was a WHITE CASTLE and jeremy wanted that..and meggan and the girls had to go potty too so they kept following us. then we got home and went and saw CARs. itw as a good movie!!

Jeremys aunt called..that means I have to go get out of my sweats and into decent clothing so I can go to his basketball game.

more later maybe.

xoxo molly xoxo

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