(no subject)

Nov 01, 2006 23:54

I have actually spent the majority of the day here at home, today. This has not occured in a week, I do believe. Seriously, there was a period of about three days in there where I was home for a total of 2 hours.

I am becoming aware of the fact that I seem to consider this house more of a place to keep my stuff, and sometimes to sleep, more then an actual home that I hang out at.

I think this stems from the fact that this house is removed from where all my friends live, where I like to hang out and socialize, where things I like to do are. I tend not to go home during the day, 'cause if I want to go back out, I've got to bike all the way back downtown. It's much easier to bring my journal or camera, and kill time in coffeeshops and parking lots until I run into a friend, or find something exciting to do. Also, staying at home usually ends up meaning lots of time spent on the computer. And really, there are better ways to spend time.

... I'm not really sure where I'm going with all that, really. Oh well.

Onto more ordinary topics, I had a good Halloween. Went Trick-or-treating, and then hung out with several people, one of whom makes my life much more complicated then it would be if I didn't know, and one of whom would make my life awefully pleasant if they didn't exist, nothing against them personally.

I (sort of) learned how to cut mattes today, which is awefully exciting. I like learning how to make stuff. D.I.Y., baby!

Also, The Weakerthans are in my head a lot these days. I'm a sucker for beautiful, somewhat depressing lyrics. How emo of me. Heh.

I should go to bed soon, and there are things to do before then. So farewell, dear reader.
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