I figured out the trick, today.
The trick to what, you say?
The trick to having an actual conversation on the phone with my super shy 9 year old sister, who I miss dearly.
Most of our conversations, sound something like this:
Me: "Hi Toby!"
Her: "... Hi Daniel."
*empty pause* Her: "... Bye Daniel
Read more... )
My intel told me that the equinox was the 21st... I could be mistaken?
*pokes around online briefly*
Huh, google agrees with you.
My bad.
But, seeing as that particular event (the Equinox) seems to shift around a bit from year to her, her confusion is excusable. Heh.
In a sense, you are both right. However, if one were to look at the issue in a more scientific, technical fashion, that would not be the case, as you have found. ^^
I like the idea of us both being right, though. Especially as I was not intending to go about my opinion in a purely scientific manner.
I have not read any recent books that mention the sabbats, so there may be resources that speak of the issue in a similar manner. I would actually be curious to see if I could find any.
Happy Mabon. ^^
I too, would be curious as to whether or not you find anything of interest on that subject. If you were to inform me of information you'd discovered, it would support my claim that information comes to me, and not the other way around. Heh.
Also, I was not so much suggesting that I do not like to or want to search out things, more that often, I don't end up needing to.
I too, enjoy inquiring about things. And some things I do want to learn for myself, instead of being told (your movie comment being a prime example: a review of a movie isn't going to provide as full of a picture as viewing it myself).
So, to recap my clarification, I do not generally sit idly by like some sort of spider, waiting for information to fall into my web. Sometimes, that happens anyway, but I am much more likely to seek things out.
(I realize that that goes more or less directly against what I said before... Perhaps I am merely thinking clearer now then I was at that point.)
It also comes to my attention that perhaps you are not altogether familiar with my tendency to be drawn to a pleasant episode of mental sparring. ^^
"(I realize that that goes more or less directly against what I said before... Perhaps I am merely thinking clearer now then I was at that point.)"
I do believe that I know you well enough now to remember your fondness for the question 'why?'. I found it humorous and odd that you seemed to have metamorphosed into that spider you speak of.
Thank you for your clarification. ;) Jest with a serious face might appear to have been no jest at all, on occasion.
And yes, the question Why is one I'm awefully fond of. Spiders are also something I rather like, so perhaps it makes sense.
You are quite welcome, I always enjoy being properly understood.
I also enjoy sleep. I'm so tired.
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