I should be sleeping... But, I'm not.
Instead, I offer you the option of viewing some more digitally modified photographs, taken by yours truly.
If you perk up in interest, hoping for glance at QV, then I'm afraid I must disapoint you. Those images still exist purely in physical form, for the most part. I did however, locate a place that would scan them for me. So perhaps there is light at the end of that tunnel!
But for now, I give you
Mr. C.R. Avery, one hell of a crazy beat boxing harmonica player, with a talent for poetry, too.
Mr. LeRoy Young, a spoken word artist of sorts, from a country whose name I am ashamed to admit has slipped my mind.
Both these images were captured at the Winnipeg Folk Festival last month.
In addition, I have further modified the image I showed you last month, and provide it to you for your viewing pleasure, once again.
It was suggested that perhaps a green hue would be better suited. Upon experimenting, I found this suggestion to be correct. In my opinion, at least.
That's all there is. I'm off to bed.