Yesterday I wrote a
story bout this massive brawl that happened in Melipilla. Today it was in the
Daily Mail in England, quoting my story. You know what, I enjoy a good all in brawl, particularly around State of Origin time, but this was so far on the wrong scale that it can barely be described.
There is a video inside the story which includes referee getting kicked in the face (he lost most of his teeth, I think he got kicked by a player, with boots on). Then this woman comes in and joins the violence. I would have to see it is not an example of good sportsmanship!
Yesterday was Francisca's birthday, we had a good little party here. Probably 20 people or so. Many people said my Spanish has really improved, which is true. Now I need to start improving it more, maybe do a course to refine the language which I have in reality just picked up from the streets.
So I was going to have a meeting today, but it has been rescheduled to tomorrow. This is going to be a great opportunity I think, about working with Vertical. That's quite exciting, and my brother in law is a good friend of the guy I will meet. Always good to put in a word o pituto They say that's how everything works in Chile, but I'm not so sure that's true. With some hard work, grind and most importantly, good luck, you can make things happen. I think...I haven't really made too much happen yet.
But the wheels are in motion. I had a story about me in the
Bega District News esterday, and Flying Clipper are going to send me 100 footbags. So I'm going to do some blogs and things for their website.They already put up a
quick note about the article in the Bega District News.
Now I am going to get to work on applying for my permanent residency. This is going to be a task. I am meeting with another guy this afternoon, an Irish guy, who got in touch on Twitter, wanting to know more about my footbag program. We are going to HBH for a beer. Though I could probably do without the beer- feeling a bit dusty after a heavy dose o vino con frutill yesterday.