So. 2 weeks from today we will have all our shit packed up and be making the big move.
Today I applied for a job as a member services officer, it didn't say who it was with, but it would be alright.
On Seek, with the Community & Sport section there are plenty of new jobs everyday, whereas in Canberra there might be a couple a week.
Once I get settled in Melbourne I'm going to look into playing a wide range of sports.
So this post will be full of links for me to come back to in the future
Vic state sports associations- Touch Footy- Albert Park- winter comp starts may I think also by partaking in a range of sports, it will mean I am able to make connections to get sports jobs.
In the last few days I haven't done heaps. Went to the uni bar Thurs night. Was hungover all day yesterday, wasn't feeling terribly well. Paddy came to visit and bought me lunch, later on Alison came over.
I got a cheque in the mail from AMP, for $5. I have no idea what it's all about...but will be taking it directly to the bank. Also got a cheque from the school, so I guess I won't be doing anything with them anymore. Wasn't really siked on it anyway.