Aug 16, 2006 13:19
yeah. Had some well and truly boring lectures today. Good times!
But anyway, because the lectures were so boring, my mind got to wondering. I started thinking about metal for the brain, and people come from all around the place to attend, and how everyone knows this, but there's no actual studies about it. Then I thought that I could simply do my own study on the matter.
I was thinking something of an economic impact report, similar to the surveys we handed out for the balloon festival. So I just sent the metal for the brain info address an email about it. I hope they do get back to me. But anyway. I'm thinking about doing a bunch of surveys and hitting Stonefest, Metal For The Brain and Homebake with them, to get comparisons and such.
Once the research is completed, it will be a resource for people who are organising festivals etc to approach governments/other financial backers with, that contains current information.
So yeah. Not much else going on for today. Finished uni for the day, going to do some work on the canoe-ing thing. The more I think about the event, the more insane I realise it is.
Teams of 6
Begin 10am Sat morning
each person paddles a 5k lap
carry on
Finish 10am Sun morning
I need to do the footbag club audit :(
metal for the brain