Nov 20, 2005 12:16
for a change
my mum : "you really need to cut down this goon habit of yours"
so yeah, I was bored as all day, Leon came around about four. I was quite suspicious that none of my friends would come, but they all ended up coming. So Leon got here round 4, we went to play pool but then didn't and ended up having a roll. I was in poor form, but Leon hadn't skated in around 6 months to a year, so I was looking on fire. But yeah we didn't last long, then came back, and I'm like PARTY TIME. It was about 5 o'clock. Everyone else didn't seem to be of the same opinion. I talked to this guy Harry for a while, just sort of trying to make conversation, but he was really boring and didn't give much to work with. Me and Leon played some kickeysack for a bit, then went to join the others down the back. Drinks were had.....pretty much every cup of goon I spilt on my shorts. Go Dan....I'm like "that's not drunk, that's uncoordinated" so yeah Ben came and he joined in my class, then Smiley came, and he had a box too.....lots of rad songs got played......there were a lot of people there, some of them I knew some of them I didn't. I really talked a lot of shit, and was generally loud, drunk and embarrassing awesome.
There was lots of dancing/moshing. The Zero cover by Evergreen Terrace came on and Gabe's like, stop listening to fucking hardcore, METAAALLLLL, so I kicked him in the balls. I don't think I did it on purpose, but that's how it went down.
So we were out of goon, due to these guys stealing it....well I actually offered it to them, so it's not really a steal.
So we're like we better run to the bottlo. It was shut, so we went into the Commercial. Tim Andrews was there, and whoever said that he's got fat, is so very right. There was karaoke going on, but we didn't stay around. Some old guy was like "I'll take ya" and then I'm like...what a karaoke battle. We bought beer, and left.....schooner glasses included. This guy Lars....was wasted as...he smashed his glass...idiot. He goes to UNSW and lives on campus...I got his number, I might try and stay there the next time there's a show on at the roundhouse. umm so we got the day I was talking to Trent he's all like yeah I wish I would come but Tim's thing's on...I got to Tim's thing....and he's like yeah trent went home...he's "too drunk" so I get to my place, and who should be there but Trent. This proceeded to much rocking out and "this is my favourite song"
best songs of the night were Soilwork- As We Speak, Arch Enemy- Ravenous haah massive air guitar circle, and A Stab In The Dark- Traitor which equalled Ben + Dan MOSH! and everyone else looking at us funny.
It was a sweet night. We have good parties here.
making a scene,