last night was quite entertaining

Nov 16, 2005 10:14

for a night where I said "yeah, I'll just get steak and then come home"

went down to Arscott to meet Garrety and started the night well by calling the wrong number "hey man, I'm downstairs" "who is this" "oh shit...wrong number"...while I was waiting I was talking to this American dude who was waiting for someone else about Cog and Bodyjar and a couple of other bands, and thought it was pretty sweet he was getting into some aussie bands

went to labes, ate steak. It was quite good. Then we stuck around for a few beverages. And wasted some money on the pokies. I had $1 left of my money wasting to go, and I was like fuck it, all or nothing....$1 machine, and won another dollar on the first round, but exited that machine and lost the two dolars on two other seperate machines.

We thought about playing pool, but there were lots of people around, and we don't really have large amounts of skills to challenge people, so I thought "hey, there'll be no one at the lighthouse, it's a tuesday night"

unfortunately I was incredibly wrong. It was quite packed. HAd a few more beers, Karen and co were there and we challenged them in pool. We were up against that guy who I swear is gay and his girlfriend, she's called Sam, I don't remember the dude's name...but later on they subbed on Kazu Adam, who helped them sink one more ball, so that took their total to two. We owned them. Go team.

So they all left and we sat around for more beer action, some Arscott types came by. Was talking to Erin for a fair while...she's one of the few people from r middle I will talk to and not come away with a dirty dirty feeling. ahah it was funny, cos I introduced her to Garrety, and I'm like, yeah he's from r-top and then she goesBut yeah we left and went back to Garrety's where he had some goon.

Went up to p top for garrety and omar to make a purchase. So they went and got stoned, and I talked crap on the internerd with a variety of people. So I had turned this night of social interaction into another night on the net. Go Dan. haha went into the kitchen and watched Desperate was actually really funny, I don't know if that's just cos I was real drunk, but yeah I had a good old laugh, and I've never seen it before. Then Scrubs came on, and there was more giggles to be had, and yeah the goon had ran out. Oh and then I raided Garrety's fridge and had myself some pasta, then walked home

came home and Doug was on the net, and there was some tennis on the tv. It was Coria vs Nalbandian...I was going for Nalbandian, but he kept faulting...and I was like...whoever wins this rally, will win...and Coria won it, so then it was like....if Coria wins, I'm going to bed and he won, so it was time for bed.

goon, lighthouse, beer, labes, tv, friends, tennis

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