I managed to score an appointment this evening for an H1N1 vaccination at my local
NYC clinic, and it only took me one hour and forty minutes to get my shot after check in. Why so quick? Because there were only TWO people on line in front of me.
Apparently it takes two agents and one nurse one hour and forty minutes to admit me as a local outpatient to the nearest public hospital, because, joys of cost accounting! the local hospital manages the insurance billing for the public clinic. So first a patient file has to be created in the computer, then I have to be admitted, then they have to question me to make sure that English is in fact my native language so that I can understand the Spanish language vaccination flyer they gave me (no English language ones available) and then walk into an AIR CONDITIONED room for the actual shot. Oh, and they also get to quiz me as to my religion: But you left it blank. No, I struck it through. But that's a blank answer. No, it's a line through the answer space indicating "no." Oh.
Oy. There is not enough whiskey in the world. Thankfully it is not contraindicated.