in my place

Apr 27, 2005 14:00

i took down all the posters on my walls last night, it was kinda hard to sleep cause all i could think of was how much im going to miss this place and its memories. sorry to anyone who i've come across in the past few days, i've just been feeling really moody about being here and the truth is i really just want to be home again. and i really just want to be around lindsay again, she always takes away my grumpiness and makes me smile again. i was thinking about this place last night, and all that we've been through. i think it was my friends that made it possible for this year to be so enjoyable. but enough about this empty apartment, driving home from jacksonville i realized that i am going to have to let go of something that has even more of my past in a few months. i know its wierd but i feel so sad about this thing that i almost feel its a person. my 1995 silver ford taurus, with 2 hubcaps, gas tank you open with a screwdriver, dashboard that flickers on and off so that you must hit it so that the lights turn back on, yeah, that car is my baby. it has a distinct smell that lets me know i am in it. when i sit in it, i am surrounded by mostly all of my high school and college memories. so many smiles, fights, road trips, long talks, dates, love, ideas, realizations, water fights, sleep, taco bell, loud music, tears, & friendships were made in that car. has anybody ever felt this way about an object? i dont know but it makes me pretty sad to let it go. im just glad that its going to my sister, and whenever i want i can just walk outside and sit in the driveway. i guess the only thing i can hope is that she makes as memories as i have had in that car, i know she thinks its a dumpy piece of crap, but once you get used to it, man that car is everything youll ever need, 155,000+ miles and it has never broken down on me once in 3 years, only when im stupid and forget to turn off the headlights and get stuck in the st. thomas "swayle" for hours. remember that time we drove up to georgia just to see my favorite band in 1999, and along the way mikhail and i got the "sex talk" from mom, these are just the things that are going to make me miss that car.

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