Nov 04, 2003 12:24
Friends in Fast Races:
I convinced Matt last night that his church, Hillsong Church, are the owners of Graysong, one of the horses in today's Melbourne Cup. He's like "Are you serious?" and I say "Yeah they own a stud farm." and he's like "Oh, ok" and ran off to put "that Hillsong's horse might win the Melbourne Cup" in his prayer diary. I can see it now, the pictures of Darlene looking to the heavens, one hand raised, holding a receipt from the TAB.
Hotpants Sarah strikes again:
In other family member against family member stories, I was reminded at a staff meeting the other day, when we were discussing dangerous toys, of the awesome story of my hot-pants wearing cousin Sarah (who has a terrible temper) of her "playing darts" with my other cousin (her brother) David. Sarah was throwing the darts at the dart board and getting terrible scores on every throw (often not even hitting the dart board). David comes outside to see how she's going and starts teasing her, you know with the usual stuff "you couldn't hit a target if it was Aunty Sharon's butt and only 2 meters away" etc, and she is just furious! So sweet little hot-pants Sarah picks up a dart and throws it all the way across their HUGE backyard and manages to hit a MOVING target (David - who was running away) AND gets him SQUARE IN THE BACK. He had to go to the doctors to get it removed, it was that far in! Amazing!