(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 23:37

I've developed a habit of shouting "YOU SOLD YOUR SOOUULLLLL!!!!" very loudly everytime I come onto someone's lj page that is ad supported. Six might be a sad number of icons to have but i have waaayy too much pride to give over a portion of my page to Google or whatever.
Still not sure if my pride-made-of-iron is a good thing or not. On 8 to 4 shifts next week~ schweet. And I'm pretty sure I have the weekend to myself (I'll have to go to the karate training thing with Kato Sensei) Kato Sensei scares me a bit TT-TT I much prefer to train under Brian Sensei >_<
haha.. i was reading JhonenV's journal a while ago. Didn't think I'd still find him that funny but it was brilliant. I'm laughing cause he did up his LJ. This is the guy who hated LJ and swore never to get one. The rumours that go around about him are as good as the stuff about Dir en grey. I once saw a forum post about how Jhonen would like to be burried. wtf XDDD
aaannyway, I'm gonna go watch naruto now cause I'm freaking addicted X3 watched five episode this morning before work. It's my food for thought okay? D: well some of it.. heehee~
Yeah if anyone can give me somethign interesting to think about in work.. it helps pass the time while I'm dying of cold and boredom =__= AGGHHH I SMELL OF PIG MEAT D:
I discovered the other day that hot pigs smell exactly like bacon. So in theory, whatever you smell like when you're very hot is what you'd smell like cooked. Okay, it's just something to think about...
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