Jaw. Drop. Floor.

May 23, 2007 22:35


Um... I was screaming, my jaw was on the floor, my brain, it is BROKEN!

It was a flashFORWARD, not a flashBACK!


We were, as they say, totally suckered.

I am just speechless. Mom and I have been trying to work things out, and the only thing we can figure is that Sawyer was the dead one in the funeral home. At first it threw me that he was in a black funeral home in a black part of town, but honestly I think that was just to throw you. Because the only person that would have no one show up to their funeral, and that Jack and Kate would both know that Jack didn't consider family or friend would be Sawyer. So. That's our theory.

Also, when Kate said she had to get back to "him", she probably meant the baby that was conceived with Sawyer on the island. I know, I know, EWWWWWWWW! But the good news, even though she didn't end up with Jack, was that she wouldn't have ended up with Sawyer either because she would've realized that he was a cold blooded murdering bastard anyway with whom she couldn't raise a child.

And poor Jack! He goes downhill totally, into alcohol and oxycodone addiction because he can't handle what went down on the island (possibly post-"rescue call"), and what happened after it. He doesn't have Kate, he doesn't have anybody, and he's just... Oh, Matthew Fox. Oh. I do wonder why he kept referencing Christian in the future, though, unless he'd just gone totally insane as well.

Oh dear Lord, that was bizarre.

And poor Charlie's dead. If he had just run OUT of the room instead of into it, the dummy. WHY, CHARLIE?

I don't even think I can worry about whether or not to bother being a Jack/Kate 'shipper anymore, because I don't know if this future is set in stone, or something will happen to change it. It's hard to say, because I never saw the FUTURE coming in the first place. I knew that "I love you" was just gonna come with a twist of the knife, though. I knew it. Though I was briefly worried that Jack and Kate knew each other pre-crash, and I was about to be even more WTF?

That's all I can even cover right now, because I need to watch it again.

Wow, do I have a stomachache.

lost, tv

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