OHMYGOD! Could this title be anymore appropriate?
I don't really even know what to say. There was almost too much Sam for me to focus, because too much Sam bores me. But oh well. I knew this wasn't going to end well, that it couldn't, but WTF?
Poor Dean, he's always having to flip about a missing Sam. And taking them to a ghost town (heh, ghost town) for a death match is just weird. Why take so many when you know who you really want? I liked Andy and I liked Ava, and it doesn't seem fair to have done that to them.
That flashback was interesting. Mary KNEW the demon? How are they going to explain that? How did she know? I dread the answer like I dread next week's episode.
I just knew that if Sam didn't take Jake completely out, that that was going to happen. Super strength, Sam. HI! He's not going that easily. Argh.
Oh, Dean. The waterworks started pretty quickly for me. I screamed, then I whimpered, and it was just the most horrible thing EVER. And the sad thing is, I wasn't upset so much because of Sam, but because how Sam's death will affect Dean. It sounds awful, but you know I've never been too attached to Sam except for his importance to Dean. I don't want Sam dead, but it wouldn't affect me as much as, say, Dean dying, because I love Dean dearly. Plus, as scary as this all is, how can Sam be dead? There are only two stars of this show, so yeah... I just wonder what kind of sacrifice and awful consequences will be required to bring him back. All I can hope for is that Dean doesn't do something exceedingly stupid to save him.
Dean holding him, and (finally, but ugh) hugging him, and just... It's too much, it's too awful. I don't think I'll even be able to breathe during next week's, because I can't stand sad/angry/crying Dean at all. It kills my soul. Jensen kicks all kinds of ass at that stuff, but it still kills me.
Yes, I know Dean is a character, STFU. ;) It's not my fault he has the total and complete ability to break me. And make me redundant.
This is going to be bad. This could possibly be worse than last season's finale, and I wasn't sure that could happen. I'm going to try not to think about what happened tonight and what could happen next week, or I might hyperventilate.
OH MY GOD, PAM!!! You GO, girl!
I just saw it on crappy, stuttering streaming video, but it was still beautiful. She finally told Jim the stuff he's been needing to hear all year. That she called off her wedding for him. That she misses him, misses being his best friend and the fun they used to have together, and that now everything is just weird and it sucks. I was on the verge of tears.
Of course, she ran away after that, but it was still very brave of her to do that. I can't blame her for just snapping and putting it out there. It's practically a reverse of last season, except this wasn't the finale and she did it in public. I'm sure Karen appreciates that, but I'm also sure I don't care. :p
"I didn't care about any of those reasons until I met you." I mean, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greatest. Speech. EVAR.
*flails like a crazy person*
Jim looked like he'd just been hit by a bus, but that's okay, 'cause he needed to be. He needs to wake up and realize what a jackass he's been to Pam (just cutting her off like that, no room for explanations), and that's not what real friends do. Being in love with her was really no excuse, not when he wouldn't give her a chance to even talk to him properly when he came back. I love Jim, but from what I've heard about his behavior this season, he's going to be hard to take when I finally see it.
I really, really can't wait for next week, because I will actually have a TV at my disposal. Eep! This will definitely be devoured immediately following Supernatural.
Finale season is a bitch.
I haven't seen Smallville or CSI yet, so I'll talk a bit about Tuesday and Wednesday, I guess. Briefly, probably.
I still can't believe this is the way this is going down, but I guess after this season nothing should truly surprise me.
I have never been Logan's number one fan, but I like him a bit more than I used to, and he actually seems to be pulling it together for once. As long as he and Rory have been together, I was a little stunned that she was a little stunned that he would propose. I was even more stunned that she would actually eventually say no. It just seems like a waste to go that long with a relationship, and then just blow it like that at the last minute.
Then again, I'm not a big believer (see, not a believer at all) in choosing career over love, because I believe the latter is far more important. When Rory put the ring on in her apartment and smiled, I thought we'd be dealing with a yes. Then she turned around and said she couldn't. Confusing. And especially after all that business last week about encouraging Paris not to dump Doyle just because she was going to grad school. Someone doesn't practice what they preach.
I can't even blame Logan for walking away that much, because he wanted more and who knows how long she would've strung him along and likely still not married him? So I don't know, the whole thing made me feel very "stupid writers", but what else is new?
I don't really remember that much else about the episode, except having to endure another appearance by Christopher. *gag*
The promo for next week kind of blew the ending, I guess. Thanks, CW. I guess I won't really know how I feel about all that till I watch it. It's going to be a quickie situation, but that's all for which they left themselves room.
I haven't let myself think about it much, because it's too sad, but I still can't believe they freaking killed Johnston. I predicted that it would be him when I heard someone would die, but it still sucks like a Hoover. I loved that man, and I thought he was awesome and the only decent leader they had. I found the way in which he was killed to be completely pointless, and my mom and I were just crying over it it was so upsetting.
On the other hand, even though the promo last week ruined this surprise, I can't believe Heather's alive. Though the fact that Sprague's been demoted to 'special guest star' doesn't give me much hope that she'll be hanging around next season. Which sucks, but what doesn't?
So with the possible absence of Heather and the death of Johnston I'm not sure there will be anyone I absolutely love next season if there is a next season, but if it gets cancelled, it will still kill me that another show I really liked went out on a cliffhanger like that. I need closure, dammit.
Jack and Angela have grown on me, though I was dubious about them initially. Somehow I can't help but think them adorable now. I just knew Angela would finally say yes when she knew Jack didn't really need to marry her, he just wanted to be with her any way he could. Awwww.
The fact that he's loaded wouldn't be a factor at all. *cough*
Can we please have some of Brennan's clinical demeanor wear off now? *sigh* She does miss a lot, but I guess that's why she has Booth and Angela to show her how to be a normal human being. Maybe she's working on it, but sometimes I can't tell.
She totally cooked Booth an intimate dinner at her place! They are officially dating!
And next week's going to be great, because weddings make people stupid, and that's totally what they need. All the looking, and the smiling, and the squeeing... Oh, that last one will be me.
I didn't know the title of this episode while we were watching last night, and yet Mom and I started making Wizard of Oz references before they did. So freaking weird.
Hey, did you know Ben was totally wicked screwed up? You do now. Yup. And frankly, with that childhood, thought I don't understand him or forgive him for who he is, I can see where he'd be profoundly damaged.
The invisible Jacob thing was scary. Like I said, nuts-o. Yeesh.
Yay for Jack not being as stupid as everyone thought. They were, of course, losers for thinking so. Go, Foxy, you're awesome.
If Kate's pregnant with the demon spawn I will kill myself.
When Ben shot Locke, I screamed my head off. HUGE shock. I had no idea anything like that was coming, so it pretty much scared me on the same level as Michael becoming a double murderer last year. Thanks for the heart attack, people. However, since Terry is awesome (though I'm not in love with Locke or anything) I hope he doesn't really die. Even though they said there would be a total body count of five this month. Will the island heal him, or is it all over? I don't know.
This war that's coming is going to be pretty freaking intense. But I'm all incoherent when I try to talk about it, so I probably shouldn't.