"I will come back for you."

Mar 23, 2007 04:26

Um, wow.

I could feel that Sully was on his way out, and yay for being right! I'm sorry if anyone liked him, but he was just boring and had no chemistry with Brennan at all.

I hated everyone encouraging her to go away with him, though. Naturally, Angela would do that, because she's Angela, and that would be a very Angela thing to do. And also, she hates her job, which makes me wonder why she continues to work there.

But poor Booth! (Which is pretty much all I kept screaming in my mind during this episode.) He said the words, but there's no way in hell he meant them. And how much did I love the shot of the look on his face when Bones said, "You don't need me."

Who is the densest girl on the planet? That's right. Temperance Brennan. Geeeeez, girl, buy a clue already! You're rich enough.

I loved that Booth didn't even care he was being totally obnoxious and interrupting her vacation all the time. Just because it was with Sully. Otherwise, I bet he would have bent over backwards to let her relax a little.

I also loved that he teased her with the talking about her in therapy thing. hee I bet he does. Constantly.

Poor Booth. I'm about as off-kilter as he is now, because now he knows he totally wants her, but there's no way he wants to push her into anything (because she's obviously oblivious) or ruin what they have, so what to do, what to do? I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have a feeling this is going to get very messy, very fast. In which case, HEE!

Awww, Angela and the wedding picture. That was sweet in a quirky way. I think she had had enough of the grossness and morbidity, and just decided to combat it by being perky while the others wallowed in the remains, figuratively speaking.

I loved the last scene. I just knew Booth had to show up after Brennan said goodbye to Sully, because it was the end scene, and they always have end scenes! I love the way he put his arm around her as they walked along the dock. He never let her go, and I need to rewatch that scene, because I was so preoccupied by the physical aspect of the scene that I don't really remember what was being said. But the touching is always awesome.

Next week: Bones and Booth go to couple's therapy! Cassie gathers the popcorn and soda for a good ol' time at the shrink's house. Can't wait!

Is there really anything to talk about in this episode except the Jack and Kate scenes? LOL

Okay, before you hurt me, I was skeptical. I haven't been Kate's best friend lately, because the girl can do some crap to piss me off. Sawyer, for one. *still gags at the thought* However, you get Matt and Evie in a room together again (and my GOD it's been too long!), and I turn to mush. I cannot help myself. I'm still annoyed at Kate for how she behaves, and Jack for loving her anyway, but Jesus. There they are, all wistful gazes and faces mere inches apart, and I can't breathe. I am physically unable.

It took me .2 seconds to fall for them the first time I ever saw them together, and that's about how long it took here. So I apologize if you hate them, but it can't be helped. I have to put up with Kate/Sawyer people, for cryin' out loud.

Anyway, the piano scene was good, until every Other on the planet busted in and shoved Kate to the floor. *sigh* Jack was way more controlled in that scene than he ever is, which had me wondering if they got him brainwashed after all. I've always loved him and I always will, but spinal surgeon finally got a spine seems appropriate. I mean, Matthew is frickin' awesome, but he doesn't have to well up every scene. I'm just sayin'.

The rec room scene, though? KILLED ME. Guh. I had absolutely naughty thoughts when Jack walked in and Kate was sitting on the pool table. You people and your smut have corrupted me for life. But really, it was so dirty there for a minute I had to take a second and refocus. LOL

This is another scene I need to re-watch, because I just can't focus on words when my couples are that close together. hee Then, to make matters worse, Jack leaned right next to Kate's ear from behind, said, "I will come back for you", and I died. So I don't have much of a recollection of anything after that. That was hotter and more meaningful than stupid cage sex any day. Any day. Damn, Foxy! Damn.

Um... the rest of this episode was about...?

Oh, right, Locke. Yeah. I had the suspicion his dad was the one that put him in the wheelchair, oh, ever since the kidney thing. I half-expected the kidney surgery or some weird complication from it to be the cause of his paralysis ages ago. I didn't really see the eight story drop coming, at least not till just before it happened.

His dad's one evil sonofabitch, but whose dad isn't on this show? Something tells me Mr. Abrams has got a few daddy issues of his own. I could rack 'em up, but you know 'em and hate 'em - all evil.

Good job blowing up the sub, Locke. No one told you that YOU had to leave, but the rest of them might be missing home and some less dysfunctional parts of their family. Selfish bastard. Now they're never getting off the island, we'll never know what's going on, and it's all your fault. Crazy.

He's as crazy as Ben, I swear. So now they're all trapped again, and woo hoo.

I totally saw them having Locke's dad coming, but a bigger mystery is HOW do they have him? Did he somehow crash land there, too, or did they yank him out of the magic box that Ben was on about?

I maintain they're on crack in the writer's room (especially with the magic box), but lately it's a much better quality of crack than it was. As long as they keep bringing the Jack, I'm about it. *g*

I still can't figure out why Nikki and what's-his-face get their own flashback next week when we've only seen them for 12 seconds. Does anyone actually care?

Clark - still stupid and somewhat pointless.

Lana - stupid, clueless, and always pointless. You just had a pregnancy faked on you, dingbat.

Lex - evil and WTF? WHY, LEX? WHY?

Lois - a slutty, stupid waste of space.

Chloe - still too smart and too good for this show. Run, girlfriend! Run while you still can!

*eye roll*

Oh, Winchester boys! Just... oh. Why do you keep doing this to me?

This episode was all right. I was more into it initially than last week's, just because this felt more "normal" to me.

But man, these boys ought to know better by now. I can understand that Sam saw something of himself in Maddie's situation (and when is he not relating to everything in sight these days?), but sleeping with a werewolf? That might not be the best idea he ever had. And about that... I must say that I'm miffed about Jared being shirtless and well-lit, while Jensen never takes his shirt off and you would have to vision like a cat to see him in his only love scene. But I'm not bitter. Right.

I don't mean to be a prude, but I think that scene went on way too long for TV. *shrug*

I still can't figure out how she miraculously didn't turn that one night, and the next night, bang! Makes no sense.

The end was horribly heartbreaking though. I couldn't stand it. I can't stand to think about it. I don't know if I can watch it again. I didn't dislike Maddie at all, and Sam got attached, and he was so upset and crying at the end, and Dean didn't want to kill her either but he totally would have taken that off of Sam's head. I know it hurt him more to know that Sam was going to have to do it, than Dean doing it himself.

Does Jensen have that one perfect tear thing down, or what? Give the man a hand, and then give me a tissue, dammit.

SO heartbreaking. Ugh.

Dean so rocks my world, though. Love him. I'm gonna miss him while we wait another MONTH! Geez.

However, the preview looks insanely like Hollywood A.D.. I bet it's gonna be great. hee

lost, smallville, supernatural, bones, tv

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