"Wow... uh... Awkward factor: 8."

Jan 13, 2006 02:53

Going in reverse:

So, um, have we stopped with the KryptoCrazies, and gone straight to just plain ol' crazies?

Because Lex Stalker Chick was just crrrrrrrazy. And that girl really shaved her head, so I'm not sure the actress is all that sane either. Eh.

Lana and Clark are STILL hiding things from each other. They oughta start a hypocrites society. It would suit them well.

One thing I couldn't figure out was Jonathan's pill popping. I thought it was just a reminder for the audience with the attention span of an ADD gnat that he has heart issues so if he drops dead of them in the next two weeks, that wouldn't be a huge shock. Mom seemed to think it was something else, but I don't really think so.

Poor Chloe. She's a better woman than I for not at least attempting to kick Clark in his balls of steel. For I would definitely not want to discuss the sex life of the man I loved; not if he was with someone else. *sigh*

But this is why Allison is my hero, her facial expressions alone made me laugh out loud, even before things like "Awkward factor: 8." and "Krypto hag". *loves*

We can't forget the look on her face when she said, "Please don’t make me finish this sentence, Clark." Embarrassing and hilarious all at the same time. I adore that girl!

And... "Okay you know what Clark? Right there? That’s something that can never be unseen." LOL!

I'll stop now, but I'm just sayin'. I feel Chloe's pain, because I wouldn't be caught dead discussing the Clunk's sex life either. Eesh.

Chloe is so Clark's brain. She's the heart and also a fan liasion, but mostly, Clark's brain. Without her, I'm afraid he'd fall flat on his face, never to get up again. Scary, huh? I mean, all the evidence is right there, but she has to warn him about Lana? She has to tell him what his dad might be thinking?

I love that she's the smartest person on the show and all, but come on! If they're not careful, Tom is going to get super tired of playing the dumbest person in the room and want to leave. Do we want that? No! So please make him gain some common sense. It can be his new power for the season. *rolls eyes*

I'm more than ready for the 100th and the shit to hit the fan. I'm tired of waiting.

Whoa, Eko! Dude is hardcore!

Charlie, shut up and lose the drugs. Jesus. If you lose Claire and Aaron, what will you do? Have a public burning of the crap and take your life back already.

Not enough Jack. Am disappointed, as usual. Especially considering Kate accosted him in the jungle the last episode and now no one remembers. Bah! Plus, where's his interest in the haircut TV Guide was talking about? There wasn't any.

Ha ha! Sawyer was so totally moved when Michael told him he was glad he was better. That was pretty hilarious. But if you start getting redeemed on this show, you die. So I'm sure Sawyer will be a bitch again by next week. All of his strength just isn't back yet.

It's funny. I think I love Josh Holloway, he seems like a cool guy, but I can't take his character. Weirdness.

The monster is odd. Black and smoky and electric and odd. Seen it, still don't know what to make of it.

And now that the island holds no mystery... All righty then.

Russell, you are BAD for kissing Mariel, and Larkin has my permission to kill you.

Also, is this show heating up fast or what?

I will never look at scarecrows or apple orchards the same way again.

But damn, it was good to see my boys again! Dean in particular. It was so off without them together, but that was the way it was supposed to feel, I think.

I love Dean. I understand their conflicts, but I understand Dean's side more, as I've probably said before. There's a part of him that wants to fulfill some (either real or guilt-induced) obligation to his parent, and, if he's anything like me, a part of him that wants to say fuck it all and run. That wishes there was something else out there for him and he could do it with a clear conscience.

That's just one of the reasons I would love to hug the stuffin' outta him.

There are also a couple of reasons I could wring Sam's neck, like the part where he threw it in Dean's face that his pain wasn't as fresh as his own. If Dean had decked him in that moment, I would've cheered him on. I love him, but he is such a brat.

Leaving his ass on the road had to be good enough.

The blonde chick is annoying as hell already, and it looks like she's recurring. Yippee. Someone I hate had to show up eventually, or it just wouldn't be the WB. I think she's the Spawn of Satan or something yeesh.

Okay, so as annoyed as I was with Sam, I pretty much teared up when they made up over the phone. When Dean said he was proud of Sam and called him Sammy... That was it. Because we've never really seen Dean be emotional to that extent, and especially without making a joke about it. But he didn't that time, and it was very touching. See? You two knuckleheads need each other!

The Cigarette Smoking Man! [XF geek/shout out]

The town, the scarecrow, and those people were all too freaky for words. I'm glad the old couple got it in the end, 'cause ugh.

This was so an XF ep though. That scene where they were all huddled under the umbrellas, talking about the good of the town? SO an X-Files scene it wasn't even funny. Considering a lot of the XF people are involved, there's your explanation.

Poor Dean. He thinks he's tough, but he can't impress the girl because he has no plan. hee Sam showed up to save the day just like I knew he would. Classic.

"Hold me." There's our Dean! LOL I did mention I love him, right? A couple thousand times?

On that note, next week is going be very hard on me.

While I agree everything fell into place too easily for Lorelai's wedding, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Though it will be when she finds out Luke's been hiding a daughter from her. *sigh* Why, Amy? WHY? It's been long enough! LET THEM WED!

I didn't hate Anna like I thought I would, so what is with them bringing in all these interlopers I can't dislike? First April, now this. I was even sort of relieved to discover that apparently she wasn't a slut that didn't know who the father of her child was, April just did it on her own so she didn't really know where to start.

Still, I think Luke had a right to know whether or not she thought he hated children. Even if he did hate them, he deserved to know.

It was adorable when Luke got Kirk to find internet so he could look at April's website. Awwwwww, just the look on his face.

I was worried about the wedding date being June 3rd, because I was afraid we wouldn't get to see it if they set it so far ahead. But Lor's already jinxed it by showing Luke her dress, worrying too much, and Luke is helping by not being honest.

So, woo hoo!

Anyone else think Alexis was way over the top in her therapy scene? I laughed, but otherwise? Geez.

Logan needs to die in a tragic fencing accident. Or whatever the hell rich kids do.


Also, Happy 29th Birthday, Orlando Bloom! Many more, and stay hot and all that good stuff. ;)

lost, gilmore girls, smallville, invasion, supernatural, tv

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