TV Roundup! Yeeee haaawww!

Nov 17, 2005 03:21

I've spent the last hour doing research on Jane Austen and jury duty.

Nope, one has nothing to do with the other, but I needed to know more about both.

Jane - She was a spinster who died at the age of 41, from a long, unknown illness (that's thought now to have been Addison's disease). Her older sister was named Cassandra, and she had six younger brothers, poor thing. Considering her books were all about single women after men of great privilege, the irony of her being a spinster isn't lost on me.

I learned a lot more than I had known before, and I think she's more awesome than ever.

Still dreading jury duty. Praying the thing gets cancelled or I can get out of it. I should've gotten a doctor's note for my back or something. I can't sit in a hard chair for very long. At this moment my left leg is asleep and hurting, and I just got up five minutes ago. But I guess it's too late for that now, so if I'm unfortunate enough to get picked, I shall be made to suffer.

What else is new?

I suppose I should catch up on TV, at least a little. Then I really have to get to bed.

This was a pretty good episode.

Lorelai stuck in the door was funny, and man do I want a Luke. He is awesome.

Except when he's getting snippy over Christopher. Not that I can blame him necessarily, but he was being more mean about it than he had to be. And I'm not all that used to seeing him like that, so it was hard.

Is it just me, or are Sookie and Jackson the single most annoying couple on earth? They grate, I tell you. Sookie I can stand seperately, but not when she's with Jackson.

The making up while Lorelai sat in his lap at his apartment? YOWZA!

C'mon, Amy, why don't we get more of that? That was hawt. I'm still all faint-y thinking about it. I shall have to find it and icon it, you know.

What happened to Rory? Where was all this determination when Mitchum told her she totally sucked? I'm glad she got it back, however it happened, because I was tired of whiny, rich girl Rory. I do think she annoyed her potential boss too much to have actually gotten the job, but it was sort of funny at the same time.

However, we're back to Perfect!Rory, and I really think it would have endeared her to us more if she had had to look for something else. Who gets a job on the first try? I know I sure as hell don't.

Yay for living at Lane's, temporarily, for if it annoys Zach, it pleases me. hee

Okay, about Luke's (alleged) daughter... While I think this plot line is somewhat stupid and completely unnecessary, I can't hold the (alleged) daughter at fault. I liked her. I couldn't help it, and believe me I was prepared to hate her. But she was skinny, and overly cautious, and spectacled, and... I couldn't help it, okay? I'd rather she didn't exist, but she does and I thought she was kind of cute.

Sue me.

I'm still not entirely convinced of the accuracy of the DNA test, but for now it appears to be true. And maybe Luke should stop freaking about it. I mean, Lorelai might be surprised initially, but I really don't think she's going to lose it. It's not like she could have much judgement on the subject of out of wedlock children or anything, and it's not like Luke knew about April and hid it for 12 years. He didn't know, April's mother never bothered to inform him, so it's not his fault.

So I will reserve my freak out for when/if Lor freaks out.

Awwwwwww to the mother-daughter reunion. That was so nice and sweet. I hope they fully make up, because it is called Gilmore Girls, after all. They should be together and close and bantering again.

Waaaaah to Luke's trepidation, and being unable to be adequately happy for the reunion and a potential wedding date.

Do NOT let me down, Amy. I mean it!

Next week: Christopher sucks and must die. Death to Christopher!


I love you Supernatural! Oh, you ex-X-Files bastards, you know how to make me love you.

Dean needs a hug so bad it's not even funny anymore. Jensen blew me away in this. He is a way better actor than he's given credit for. That whole tough but vulnerable thing? Why don't you just stake me through the heart? It's quicker and less painful. *sigh*

Sam's mentioned dreaming of Jessica's death before it happened previously, so this whole psychic thing was not a huge shock to me. He's been having nightmares consistently the whole run. In sci-fi/horror, these things are never coincidental.

Creepy houses are no good for me, having twice lived with a ghost. Scary.

Dean not wanting to go home, not being able to talk about his mother without being on the verge of tears, pleading with his dad on the phone as he makes sure he's not overheard... God, I feel for him. So much. He's in a really tough place, and it looks like it's finally starting to get to him.

There is much Dean love here. Guh.

I'm a little wary about this Sam being special thing, because I don't want Dean to become relegated to just a fixture, some backseat caricature who doesn't matter. I would truly resent that. As I imagine he would. So far there haven't really been Sam vs. Dean wars, because there's been a surprising balance in this show. But the scales may have tipped this week, if we keep harping on Sam and his great power.

Missouri favored him (and picked on Dean constantly, poor thing. It was funny, but also not totally deserved.), as did their mother. Which I thought was really unfair. I don't begrudge Sam a good look at his mother, seeing as he'd never had one, but only saying Dean's name was unsettling to the point I was surprised she had acknowledged him at all. Maybe Dean deserved an "I'm sorry", too, for whatever she had held back about Sam and the consequences of that, it has affected Dean equally, if not moreso.

He remembers, and is tortured by the night she died. He has grieved, he has worked hard, he has fought to rid the world of things that could bring others the same wounds, and to find her killer.

Sam doesn't understand nearly as well what his brother and father have been through, at least not until Jessica was murdered in the same fashion. Which means he has only been truly tortured for mere months. Until then, he fought every step of the way against the life they had taken up as a result of his mother's murder.

So yes, I'm partial to Dean, but an apology would have been the least she could have given him as well. I wouldn't feel he was slighted in this episode, if it hadn't been so very obvious. But I felt that it was, and there's a careful balance to maintain in this situation, so I hope the writers re-establish that and go with it, because if you go one way or the other it'll throw the whole thing off.

I thought it was so horrible of John to have been there all along, and avoid the boys. I don't care what his damn reasons are, he is putting them (especially Dean) through hell, and that isn't right. I was shocked to see him and angry at him all at the same time. Wrong, wrong, wrong, John! WRONG!

So we're on another search for the 'truth', eh? Why does that sound familiar? ;)

Next week looks highly disturbing. I do not do asylums well, and that just looks bad. *shudder* And Sam better not shoot Dean either. *takes protective stance*

Oh, come on, guys. Who really cares? It's not like you can have that Ana bitch kill Shannon and then expect us to have any sympathy for her crazy ass attitude. It's not gonna happen.

Goodwin was played by Brett Cullen, and I knew he was the Other pretty quick. Which was too bad, 'cause he's Mom's TV boyfriend. LOL

Y'all are just batshit crazy. Now give me my show back, along with MY castaways. Tailies, schmailies, I don't care.

Though I am fond of Eko, and want Bernard back with Rose, like, yesterday. But that's all.

Jack's back next week! Remember him? I barely do. :\

Kate, please don't make me hate you. Sawyer's icky, and you're nuts.

First of all, love the title! Big Dirty Dancing fan!

It's a sad state of affairs when a child is abused in any way, so I'm glad they finally figured out what was going on. And yay Lamb for not taking Veronica and Duncan in.

Never thought I'd say yay to Lamb for anything, but there ya go. He was obviously abused as a child, and I hope they nail Meg's parents to the wall.

Duncan boffed Kendall. He totally did, and Logan knows it. Veronica suspects, but she hasn't had time to dig into it yet. But I feel the end of VD (ew!) may be near, whether due to Kendall or Meg, so woo hoo!

I love Charisma dearly, but she's just not pulling off 25 anymore. Not when she's a full decade or so older. I'm 23, I can attest to this. But that's just a nitpick.

Logan asked for Veronica's help in the girl's bathroom! *pines for the good old days* Poor woobie. He's still in love, and she's a cold hard bitch. Fun.

Next week looks good, as long as they don't kill my Logan.

Larkin is a far better woman than I. If my husband had just called me by his ex's name in the middle of a fight, I wouldn't be so quick to forgive. I don't care how male model adorable he was. That was a "*gasp* WTF?" moment.

Soooo, Mariel's dead. That's creepy. They clone people? I just thought they infected them. So that is supremely weird. And Tom didn't even know about it, which means he's probably been dead for ten years, and he's just now finding that out.


I love Rose, she's such a cutie.

Whew! That didn't take as long as I thought. Thank goodness for typing fast.

People's Sexiest Men list came out today. I have to admit to laughing hysterically upon finding out that both Matthew Fox and Daniel Dae Kim made the list, while Josh Holloway did not. *snickers*

Now, I honestly have nothing in the world against Josh. From what I've seen he seems like a lovely southern rogue for the mostpart. But my dislike of Sawyer, and being baffled by all his drooling fangirls, just makes it funny that he's the one that didn't make it. It's hardly personal.

God, my leg is now painfully asleep, so I guess I'll try to fix that, go to bed, read some more P&P, and go to sleep.

jury duty, veronica mars, gilmore girls, supernatural, lost, books, jane austen, invasion, tv

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