I got TWO X-Files references tonight, and a ton of "When Fandoms Collide" moments. It was a pretty good night. At least for TV.
Gilmore Girls
Luke said yes! As if there was ever any doubt he would.
They were so funny. Of course, you would expect Lor to jump into his arms, and then they kiss or something, but that didn't happen. They have to find a way to celebrate, and end up getting Taylor to open his closed store. All they can come up with is a case of Zima (or "chick beer", as Luke chooses to call it), and they go out to the gazebo to toast, where the lights promptly go out. They get the lights turned back on, and FINALLY they toast, and kiss. And what a kiss! As usual. hee
Luke rambling on in bed was adorable, as usual. How has he gotten this far, that unsure of himself? But I guess Lor just constantly throws him for a loop. She wasn't listening anyway.
But she sure caught the house thing, huh? It was cute how she suddenly sat up, they had it out calmly, and everything was fine. I was worried that was going to blow up there for a second.
They wanna have babies! Awwwwwww! *claps hands* Pretty babies! heeeeeeeeee
Ah, I've seen it around the flist, but Luke's hair looks weird. I don't know what the deal is. It looked fine in, say, season four. Remember Luke and Lorelai's first kiss? He could go back to that and be fine. I'm just sayin'.
Anyway, Babette and Miss Patty are freakin' hilarious, as usual. What ever would we do without them? Though I was surprised how surprised they were that Luke didn't propose. I mean, geez. It IS the 21st century, and surely they are well aware of how unconventional Lorelai is. C'mon now. They shouldn't have made Luke feel bad about it. It doesn't really matter who does it, as long as it gets done, right? ;)
Luke is crazy if he's getting a ring from Kirk. I'm just waiting for that to blow up in his face. Because you know it will!
Kirk is creepier all the time. Didn't think it was possible.
Is there any way we could just not explore the Emily, Richard, or Rory side of the show? Because I hate them. I hate them all. I don't know who the hell Rory is anymore. What, exactly, is the point of making one half of your title pair of stars completely obnoxious and unlikeable? WHAT is it, Amy?
I could see the point of all this if Rory actually grew up and took some responsibility, and showed some remorse. Learned something from her mistakes. But she's not. She's going to felon parties, and seemingly not caring that her mother, whom she was once so close to, isn't even there. It's making me angry.
Apparently Luke and Paris don't remember each other. I couldn't figure out if that was realistic, or bad continuity. I know they haven't been around each other much, but there was that encounter at the diner a few years ago, and I could've sworn they saw each other at the Chilton graduation. I don't have that episode, so I can't verify. Funny, nonetheless.
I can't believe that Paris is a voice of reason, and that Luke was agreeing with her (hey, they might get on better than they think they would), or that Lorelai gave Paris her cell number. You know that's gonna come back to haunt her big time. Paris is obsessive when she thinks someone likes her.
Babette running and holding her boobs? HA! I can't take it. Go, Sally Struthers!
Why didn't they just send Rory to prison? That would've been a big yay! It is like Lorelai said, they finally got their claws into that girl, and they're going to do to her what they wish they could've done to Lor.
I had the freakiest thing happen. When Lorelai barged into her parent's bedroom, and started snarking at them, this scene started to form in my head. I had a perfectly clear picture in my head of Lorelai being really upset after that, going home, finding Luke, getting angry, and throwing something. Then going on a frustrated rant about how her parents screwed her over. Dialogue, the whole deal.
Then what happens? Lorelai goes home, gets a bottle of water, goes in Rory's room, throws the water at the wall, breaks down, and Luke shows up. Little different, but could still facilitate the dialogue in my head. That was scary. I haven't read a thing about this episode, so it was freakin' spooky.
Anyway. I feel bad for Lor, because her whole family's a mess now. At least she had Rory before, but she's being a total bitch, so... She has Luke, but, wonderful and amazing as he is, that's no substitute for your kid.
Rory's going to make a huge mistake next week by putting him in the middle. I just hope Lorelai doesn't make him pay for it, it's not his fault.
Totally liked this ep for the mostpart. And boy, I missed my TV twin, Lorelai. How'd I go all summer without her?
Uh, oh my God, I kinda loved this show. :\ I really didn't expect to, but unfortunately, it's right up my creepy, sci-fi lovin' alley.
Apparently Jared Padalecki only annoys me as Dean. Who knew? Not me.
The beginning was pretty disturbing. I knew something bad was going to happen, of course, but that? I didn't see coming. I might have nightmares about that, if I ever get to sleep.
Okay, so Jared and Jensen aren't the best actors, but they're kinda pretty. Especially Jensen. *cough* Stop it! LOL
From the commercials I thought the ghost girl was going to be that one that wants to be taken home, then you find out she was killed, and that's kind of the end of it? This one was much creepier. And I sort of liked the bit about how she killed the unfaithful guys. LOL What?! I feel strongly about cheating. :p
Dean and Sam saw the FBI agents, and Dean goes, "Mulder. Scully." I had geek glee there.
But... but then! Duane Barry! Duane Barry showed up! There's an XF reference, and then Scully's abductor himself shows up as the dead woman's husband. It was priceless.
Also, David Nutter directed this and is a producer. He directed the Smallville pilot, and was also a directer/producer on... The X-Files! lol I have hope for this show to stay fun.
(Another fandom note: Jessica, Sam's girlfriend? Was played by the chick that was Kara on Smallville. It never ends...)
I was consistently interested, I was glad the characters weren't all nicey-nice (In fact, Dean is just a touch jerky), and it managed to make me jump twice. TV rarely does that, so even though they use mostly "BOO!" scare tactics, those totally work on me, 'cause I scare easy. LOL
I was digging it by the end, but I had a bad feeling by the time Sam got in his apartment. I didn't think the same thing that happened to his mom was going to happen to his girlfriend, but I knew it was going to be bad.
And that whole stuck to the ceiling, lighting on fire thing? BAD! *shudder*
Now I gotta know? What the HELL is after them? Hell being the operative word.
The WB is going to end up cancelling this, I just know it. It's gonna be Freaky Links all over again. *sigh* I need an XF-type show on the air! I need my weird fest!
I liked this. It was probably the least impressive of the night, but I think it has potential. You can rarely judge a show by its pilot, unless it's just really awful. If it's not, there's always the potential for improvements along the way.
Getting used to David Boreanaz with non-spiky hair, no trenchcoat, and in sunlight though? WEIRD!
More fandoms collided in this one. John M. Jackson is Boothe's boss, and he was Admiral Chegwidden in JAG. So seeing Angel talkin' to AJ? Weird! hee Also, the guy that played the senator is Larry Poindexter, who was Mac's lawyer boyfriend, Dalton, in the third season of JAG.
Through with the colliding now. heh
Got my second X-Files reference of the night here, it's in the subject line. No, they're not Mulder and Scully, but everyone on FOX wishes they were. hehe
I liked the characters, though the senator/intern plot wasn't the most original. Unfortunately, my parents were bored by it. But I like talking! Character interaction, backstory, developing things. If this could be CSI with actual character development, I wouldn't mind at all. It's the characters that always interest me most in a show anyway, the individual, week-to-week plots are totally secondary.
I thought Boothe was just a teensy bit hard on Temperance. I mean, he can not understand her without being so harsh. And I guess there's something about Emily Deschanel that didn't come off as hardass and cold as everyone was acting like she was supposed to be. Socially inept? Yeah. Hardass? Not that much.
But what kind of tension would there be if they weren't constantly sniping (no pun intended) at each other?
I like them together, and I do think they have chemistry. We're certainly not talking about a casting disaster of Clark/Lana proportions here. But they have yet to totally blow my mind or anything. A subtle simmer can be good, so we'll see where that goes.
I think if FOX is still lazy and doesn't try to cultivate this show, it might not make it. But if they take some time, and tweak it just right, they might have something. Don't make me hate you again, FOX. I may be watching again, but I still haven't forgotten how you ruined Dark Angel or cancelled John Doe, mmmkay?
Next week looks interesting, so I've encouraged the parents to give it a second try. I always do before I give up on a show, unless it just sucks beyond belief from the start.
Basically? Yay, Tuesday night!