Eli, I'm in love with you, don't leave me!

Dec 29, 2008 01:49

I have no idea why I feel compelled to read TWoP recaps of a show that aired eight months ago and that I just watched on DVD. I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.

I just found it in a search, though, because no one on planet earth has Eli Stone websites because no one loves Eli but me. *cries*

I hate, hate, hate being obsessed with canceled shows, and I have two right now I can't quite figure out how to let go of. :'(

(I can't read it anymore because the recapper apparently hates Maggie - a problem I do not have.)

Eli, who has very rarely, if ever, made me angry in the entire show's run made me CRAZY in this one. Okay, I get his life is hard and he has a freakin' assignment from God every week and he's got an aneurysm. He's just a little bit alienated and lonely, and he hasn't had anything even resembling an actual relationship since Taylor. (And I still question the validity of Taylor as a relationship. Ugh.)

So he does this bimbo heiress (whose name I haven't even bothered to remember), and on, like, the third date tells her about his visions. Of course, she handles it somewhat badly and it freaks her out and she ends up telling him that she was never looking for anything serious to begin with.

And then we're back to Poor, Lonely Eli, who is apparently going to whine and whine about being alone forever and ever.

Which is why he made me angry. And I will tell you why now, though if you are reading this you probably watch the show and have therefore probably already figured it out.

See, from pretty much the very beginning there's been this girl. She's about five years younger than Our Hero and she was adorable and perky, and yeah, when they first met she kind of drove him up the wall. But in the course of thirteen episodes she very seriously began to grow on him, and she had feelings for him and he was pretty sure he was having feelings for her that he was trying not to have, and as a result they kissed twice. Not great big kisses, unfortunately, but kisses all the same.

This girl was very angry when she found out that Eli was sick because she cared about what happened to him, and she thought as much as they were together he would have told her. When he told her what he could see, she understood, "[she] didn't even hesitate".

This girl, under pressure from a senior partner (that has her name on the building, no less) to make a mess of a case for Eli, sat on a witness stand and testified with tears in her eyes, under questioning from Eli himself about what she said when he told her he could see the future that "I believed you."

This girl, after Eli wrecked her engagement with all good intentions because Scott (ugh) was a lying, cheating scumsucker, told Eli that she was in love with him. She made the choice to leave his firm and try to be somebody without him and without forcing anything from him, but she told him. He, like the dummy he can sometimes be, had no right response to this confession.

So, in conclusion, excuse me if I'm sitting there screaming at the TV, "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS YOU?! NO ONE LOVES YOU?!!!! WELL, EXCUSE ME, MR. STONE, BUT IF YOU'RE THIS OBTUSE, I BELIEVE THERE'S A REASON YOU WERE CANCELED!!!!" (I don't really mean that last part, but remember I'm angry.)

This girl's name is Margaret Ann Dekker and she loves you, Eli. If you ever get to finish your run (freaking ABC!), you better wake up and realize it or I will end you long before the damn aneurysm would.

I'm sorry, but I just don't get how he just doesn't get it. She's right there, she's told him, there's no room for ifs, ands, or buts. No maybes or what-ifs or whatever. She's there and she loves and believes him, and what is there to question? I just think he has an odd block on himself for her, even though they're supposed to be married ten years from now. That would be a comfort, if they hadn't so obviously forgotten it. And that makes me crazy because the first season of this show had some insane continuity going on.

I'm done. It still makes me infinitely sad that ABC could have made the decision to kill this show. The higher-ups obviously have never seen it because if they had they couldn't let it go. They'd promote it and try to find it a better timeslot and make people watch it. But noooo. Everything good gets canceled.

eli stone, ranting, tv

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