Thanks to
starheptagon, and
ursamajor, among others, for keeping me company Monday night! (And no games got played, except for Katamari. See, I'm not a gamer.)
And thanks to everyone who snooped me on LJ and/or planworld or otherwise wished me a happy birthday!
Y'all made this birthday totally rock!
abilouise called Sunday night and said, "I'm making you a cake for your birthday. I'll drop it off at your house sometime during the day and then come to the party after yoga." So when I got home from work yesterday, there was a cake on the kitchen table that said "Happy Birthday Dana!" I went about my business and had some dinner. 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was
abilouise, carrying a spiky strawberry cake. I was confused. But then I remembered that
chenoameg and
76trombones have keys to my house. (Apparently
luckylefty was in on the planning too.) Based on the tiny amount of cake left, it's a good thing there were two. And they brought me messy dangerous trash for my birthday too! Aren't they sweet?
Slightly belated happy birthdays to
mjw and
cinnamongrahams... last year I got email from
luckylefty that said, "Happy birthday! Happy Valentine's Day! Happy ex's birthday! (Not something you usually wish someone, but have a happy one anyway!)" This year I got a Valentine-birthday card from him that said, "Someone has to buy these cards... and I'm not getting one for Matt!"
Thanks again, people. =)