Holy shit!

Feb 01, 2006 01:24

It's February!

Right now, I'm stressing over this application for a teaching assistantship in Austria. I want it so bad I can taste it. Yeah. Beethoven never tasted so good.

And.. no day would be complete without random bike mutterings. Today, while biking to the local Salvation Army, I found myself waiting to turn left at a stop light. I'm a cyclist who favors the streets, so I was right out there, with a couple cars behind me.

One stupid bitch decides she can't wait to turn behind a bike, so she pulls up in front of me. That always pisses me off, so I berate her quite loudly to myself, and I made sufficient hand gestures at her just so she got the jist that she SUCKED.

And I think it really hit home since her window was open the whole time. Score one for cyclists everywhere!

"Don't need cars, don't need gas, to ride around town in a critical mass!!" I did Critical Mass on Friday. And it felt really good to ride around with 40 cyclists peddling for a brighter tomorrow.

ALSO! The Boardgame Club is thriving at the University of Michigan. There are now TWO MEMBERS who have no previous associations to Heather or me. One in particular, Brad, really managed to catch my eye.

Despite the fact that he never managed to catch mine. Oh yes, my friends. I, of petite bosom and slender frame, I, who never expected my humble breasts to fall under the hungry gaze of a horny male, am the proud owner of two boobs that for some reason were really interesting to the new guy Brad.

W . T. F. ?!
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