Dec 13, 2024 16:21
I’m having a downer kind of day, I think. It’s not that anything bad happened - it was a pretty productive workday, no drama on the home/friend/work fronts, and I got enough sleep last night, so none of that is causing this malaise. I think it’s more of a burnout caused by thinking about how much I worked through last weekend, and this weekend is full of yet another two days of stuff I’m not looking forward to doing.
Early tomorrow, it’s picking up toys to take to the mall. That part is fun enough on it’s own. But then I need to go to the university to pick up my son and take him home for winter break, but also stop by my work (again on a Saturday) to attend the retirement party they’re having, then home to start cleaning, dishes, laundry, recycling runs to the dump, and then packing up five parcels and standing in line at the post office to send off all my jewelry sales and presents for the month.
You’d think Sunday would then be a day of rest, but no. That’s the day we get our Christmas tree, which means rearranging furniture, setting up the stand, decorating it - and granted, I used to LOVE decorating the tree, but these days it just leaves me sore and tired, with little satisfaction. Plus it was nicer when we didn’t have to worry about our psycho kittens trying to attack from all sides. And somewhere in there I have to finish shopping for presents, wrapping them, finishing up my bookmarks, and still trying to carve out something, ANYTHING to do for myself that isn’t taking care of someone else’s needs. I have a book I’m halfway through, so maybe at some point tomorrow or Sunday I just need to drive away from everyone for a few hours, pick up a coffee and enjoy the silence with my story until I can get my head in the right space again. Something has to give, and I’m really hoping that something doesn’t end up being myself.
Anyway, sorry for all the negativity, it’s just where I am right now. Things will get better eventually, I know.