Monday update

Jul 29, 2024 10:26

Yeesh, finally turned off the auto-notifications of "achievements" that everyone on my friends list is geting. No offense, but I don't even care if I get an "achievement" unless it's something real that I actually achieved. Those were annoying.

Anyway, work has calmed down somewhat, and no one is getting fired, quitting or going to court. Well, some people are but I'm not involved in that.  My husband's leg seems to be almost completely healed, and I've got a little time off this week to take care of some much-needed medical stuff to get me back on the right track. All good stuff.

I watched a bit of the Olympics so far, including the epic opening ceremony. My conservative Catholic family is going absolutely berzerk with rage over the drag queen thing, claiming it was making fun of the Last Supper, because none of them recognized the Bacchus symbolism in there. Between that and all the Trump-worshipping they're doing on FB, I'm kind of dreading the big family party at the end of August (it's my aunt's 50 year nuniversarry (they call it a golden jubilee), so I really can't skip out on that one. I'm not Catholic anymore, but I have to give props to someone dedicated enough to keep the vow she did (or any vow really) for 50 solid years. I'll just be hiding in the back room with all the closet liberals (luckily the family is huge enough that there's at least a good dozen or so people I don't mind hanging out with at these things).

I had to stop feeding the squirrel outside, because he'd gotten beyond pushy with people coming in/out of the front door, even after eating more than enough peanuts for the day. When it gets to the point where my coworkers are taking the side door out to avoid getting mugged by squirrels, it's time to cut them off. Hope the peanut withdrawl isn't too bad on the poor bugger.

Back to work, and hoping your week goes well! Toodles. 
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