More obssesion.....

Oct 08, 2007 18:21

I'm not going to say it...... i'm not going to say it..............

ok, i am.....


Yeah, I cannot hide the fact that i feel like a 4 year old everything I think about Terminus.... It may be the fact that this is my very first Harry Potter conference, because someway or another, I hadnt been able to go to a previous one, because either a wedding, a college graduation, life or money issues got in the way (I'm even surprised that I was able to go and see PotterCast and Harry and the Potters this summer), so now that I'm all ready to go to Terminus (or from here after dubbed Dawlish) and show my true colors.

But all this excitement brings a lot of doubts and questions to me, like, where am I going to sleep???? I have clues of who do I want to room, but, do I have to book a room? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO????????????? There is nothing worse for me to go to a place and not knowing what to do/wear/say/hear/etc.... I'm socially handicapped, so to be a really shy person who does all that isnt supposed to do is my worst nightmare....

Ok, let's just get away from that and let's continue....

So today I got an email with the house I belong... Ever since they announced that Sue was going to be the head of the house of Pampero, I seriously crossed my fingers that I got sorted into her house, even when it didnt totally fit my profile or anything... afterwards I read a little bit about the other houses, and one immediately struck me.

And that house was Kohilo.... Starting with the name, which indicates something coming from the Pacific Islands, which being born and raised in a place where the Pacific Ocean is really close, naturally feels really familiar, and then the description of being calm peaceful people with inquisitive minds, that totally said "THIS is your house", and in fact, I'm a Kohilo member!!!... I still regret not being in Sue's house, but I dont doubt I will hang out with her a lot!

Ok, I think that's it.... more to come later....


PS. Sue... I love ya girl!!! There is no better Hufflepuff than you!!! Life always get better....

sue, terminus, conference, me, dawlish, kohilo, harry potter

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