Ok..... there is a bit to talk about, so I will divide it by subjects...
Ever since Jo Rowling (like Bowling.....) said when Deathly Hallows was coming out, I started making my plans for that magical day: July 21th 2007. My plans included a release party, mainly because I had never had gone to one, and this would be the last time to do it.....
So like crazy I went around the Leaky Lounge asking people if they lived near Tucson what were their plans but unfortunately, I didnt find that much response, so I started to get bummed about it, because I didnt want to go alone.... that plus the great fear that a git would go outside the bookstore and started yelling spoilers scared the flip out of me....
What brought again the faith and the wish to go to a party were all my HP friends, specially the Gallery Girls (love ya girls!) and my great pal Shawna (aka dumbleydore18 on the LL) to whom I thank a lot for hearing my wacky theories, letting me hear their own really awesome ones, talk about stuff, discuss movies, kleenex, do a really cool podcast (LISTEN TO GALLERYCAST!!!!!!!), squee and laugh until you yawn or hiccup while listening to PotterCast and even planning to do Neville at 11.... lol
So, thanks to them, on friday july 20th I traveled to Tucson (about 1 hour from my home) at 7 am so I could go and get myself a wristband that would determine my turn to get Deathly Hallows that night.... it was an interesting trip..... I was planning to leave at 6 so I could get a really really good spot on the line, but since my mom and sister wanted to go with me instead of waiting for my dad to wake up, which delayed me an hour, made me cranky (my mom is the worst people to have as your copilot while driving.....) and because I was too anxious, I didnt sleep that good that night....
After getting my wristband and a bit of breakfast, we went back to my cousins house so I could sleep a while, which was impossible because my sister has this habit of not letting anyone sleep, so she proceded to wake me up just to see an advertisment from a grocery store that would be selling DH, which was code for "do we have to go to Borders tonight???? cant you get it somewhere else more fun?? or quick??"
When dad arrived we went to eat at in-n-out (the greatest burger joint in the west coast!) and a quick visit to Target (in which I bought me a Gryffindor wallet and HP pens... all for 2 bucks!), we went back home to rest and for me to change into my wizard outfit.
I had to endure the laughter and all the talk my family was doing about me dressing up... It's hard to be a hardcore Harry Potter fan in a family that doesnt like the books (or the movies...), but at least they love me and tolerate my obssesion.
So we got to the mall where the Border is located and I was in awe to see that amount of people in wizard clothes!!!!! It was really fun to see the "muggles" looking at us like we were crazy or weird, which made them hurry outside or something... and it's not everyday when you get to see a Bellatrix eating chinese food along with Moody, Harry Potter, Hermione and a muggle with a Potter t-shirt, or you get high-fived just because you are the only one wearing a full Ravenclaw student outfit!
The party itself was really fun! They had a magical spelling bee to which i did sign up, and even thought according to the guy judging the whole thing I spelled wrong the word "Elphias", I had a blast! (according to him there is no l in the word.... it was really clear that the guy didnt knew his Potter that good...) I got the opportunity to meet a lot of great new people, discuss Harry Potter with the most diverse group of people and just be amazed byt the amount of people there in the store waiting for their book (the store was jam-packed! it was difficult to walk all around the store....)
at 11:50, they started telling us how they were going to be handing out the books, so we started to make a line to pay, listening to guy behind me talking about how they needed to hurry up in selling the book because he had ordered a pizza which was going to arrive there at Borders, and he was fearing the pizza would be getting there sooner than he got his book (which it actually did!!!)
Precisely at 12:06 I was heading out the store, with my book, a poster and a box where the DH's were stored... I did literally run towards the car, removed my tie and robe and started reading.... When I stopped for the first break it was 4:15 am... I took a 30 min. nap and resumed my reading.... at 9 am that morning, I had just reached only half the book.
Saturday I didnt do that much reading because we went out to another mall to do a little bit of shopping, we went to eat and rent some movies (and really get some sleep! I had been awake for more that 24 hours!)
Next day we just rested, I finally got a good night sleep, and was able to finish Deathly Hallows!
It was amazing!!! I just coudnt believe how great a book could it be, but it is!
I wont do a full review, that I will do it on another post, otherwise this will be the longest post ever, but I will give you a brief idea...
- I KNEW IT! Harry totally needed to die and come back!!! I told everyone but no one believed me.... Point for me!
- Neville's display of courage and bravery totally pwns and rocks my socks! I love that guy!
- I was really really really happy to know that Tonks and Lupin had gotten married and had a baby! now I want a teddy bear with the name Teddy Remus Lupin...
- Even when Snape proved he did all that he did because of a promise, he still is a evil git in my heart.... Snape will always be evil.
- Squee for Luna!!!! I loved all the Luna parts and the fact that my favorite line from OotP had a lot to do with Ravenclaw's horcrux.
- The epilogue sucks!
But as one thing ended, something else had to start....
I can say that Harry Potter did mark a part in my life.... it symbolices my struggles and triumphs in high school and college, and now, as it ended, it was like Dumbledore said.... that death is but the next great adventure...
but in my case, i'm not dying, but getting to a next step in my life, in which I have to get responsible for me, in which there is no more "I live at home, my parents are the ones that support me" and in which I have to prove myself and to the world that I can do it on my own.
This is not easy for me, because I dont have any work experience at all, because my parents wanted me to devote my time only to study and to make a better person out of me, and I do thank them for that, but it's hard... it's hard being away from home, in a house that is not mine, without the opportunity to talk to my friends or family (right now I'm using a borrowed computer that has pretty limited funcionality... so no Skype, no audio editing programs, and no iTunes....), so I miss them a lot... even when I get the chance to be on the LL, it's not the same... I miss you! (I love getting messages from you!)
So here i am, waiting paciently to hear from someone, to see if they are interested in hiring me (by now i feel like I have applicated to about a million jobs... no answer from anyone...) and keep wishing for the best....
So there you have it... hope you like it, and see ya later!