movie review

Jul 21, 2008 00:29

The Bucket List

Quick Info
Director: Rob Reiner
Starring: Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson
Year of Release: 2008
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
My Rating: *** (meaning?)

Synopsis :
Two very different men meet in a cancer ward and become friends.  Finding out their conditions are terminal, they decide to spend the time they have left experiencing life to the fullest.

Review :
Part buddy film, part travelogue, part tear jerker, The Bucket List was sentimental, predictable, and touching.  If it's unrealistic - one does have to have deep pockets indeed to do the things Edward and Carter do - it's only because those are things we ourselves would do if we could.  Who wouldn't go around the world and see the sights if we could?  Given that most of us don't have that kind of quid, we're left to vicariously, which is what we're provided with.  Ultimately, though, working on the list lets Edward and Carter understand that friends, family, love, those are the most important things, the things that give joy and make life worth living.

The Bucket List reminds us, yet again, that Rent has the right of it - "no day but today."  Despite its leads both being male, I would consider this a chick flick, so it's not recommended if you can't stomach anything from Lifetime, or have a problem with emotional tug-your-heartstrings types of movies. It did inspire us to compose our own bucket lists, which I'll post another time.

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