Nov 05, 2008 02:20

YES. The vast majority of votes have been counted, and Mr. Barack Obama has been announced as the 2008 President-Elect. I will always, ALWAYS remember that I sat at home, looking up at the television screen, when the announcement was made at 11:00 pm, then promptly went out to join New York in its celebration.

Nearly three hours ago, I stood in a crowd of countless thousands who watched and waited to hear how the west coast had voted, then cheered when Obama took the stage in Chicago. The crowd spread into the streets, blocking traffic for several blocks in all four directions, but most cars and buses only honked in encouragement. I have never seen the neighborhood so invigorated. People of many races and ethnicities, vastly different ages and economic backgrounds, both sexes, all of whom were in some way deeply affected by the outcome of the election. It was like the largest, happiest joy parade EVER. I have never high fived so many random strangers in. my. life.

A sincere thank you goes out to every single person who contributed to this election, whether it was by donating money, making phone calls, encouraging friends and neighbors to vote, engaging strangers both on the street and online.
On another (possibly more trivial) note, I cannot wait for the next generation of computers, when the word "Obama" won't come up as a typo but may instead be suggested as a correction.

nyc my heart, election 08

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