more random stuff

Mar 29, 2004 23:12

Yea i stole this from Lauren and KT so HA!
Show: Jekyll & Hyde
Part: umm...Stage Manager
Where: Starlight Friends who came: Lynn, Justin, Becca, Jason, Shannon, Jewlie, Rachel, past starlight people...
Family: Mom and Dad (G-d didnt love me enough to come)
Flowers from: Absolutely no one...I'm the stage manager
Favorite Costume: The only one I had....
Favorite Scene: Watching "Bring on the Men" (Plus I didnt have a huge scene change there)
Favorite Song: Listening to all of them cuz they all rocked
Solo: I didnt have any ...Unless you want to count the fog machine as a musical instrument
Favorite moment in the show: Whenever everything went right and Tom didnt scream at me 
Favorite off stage moments: Umm...I only was offstage...
Funniest moment during the show: Buggering generals, Breaking beds, and hitting stop signs.....wait...

So that was that.  As much as it was wso amazing I'm so glad its over cuz im not meant to stage manage i have too many paranoia's and im better at taking direction than giving it.  Well I better go to sleep. Oh also I just want to thank everyone who cheered me up last night.  I'm not necessarily less confused but at least i feel better.  Everything you guys said made sense and showed me what truly was bothering me and it also made me notice that even tho you may not know your point in life or think you may not have have really do, and that is becuase of your friends. Wow i sound kinda preachy i better go to sleep.  Night Everyone!

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